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Member since ‎07-05-2002

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Hi, Our company is planning to implement IP video conferencing for H.O. and four remote branches. The remote branches are connected to HO by 512kbps leased line. Now, what do I need to implement this requirement. What specific Cisco equipments do I ...
Hi, I have two 6509E and I want to configure it as both active. I want to load balance the traffic on my network between this two switch. I have Sup720-3B. Can anyone help? Do I need to have an IOS SLB?Thank you.
Hi, If anyone can help me with regards to part number of the NMP boot ROM 5.1(2) and the MCP boot ROM 4.3(1). I need to upgrade the existing Boot ROM of our Cat5000 for the support on the old network of our client. Can somebody please help me on this...
dns_inside----pix-----userdns is at the inside subnetuser is on the dmzdomain controller on the inside subnetobservations;1. with nat (inside) 0 0 , the user could logon to the domain, but couldnt brouse any machine on the inside.2. with nat (inside)...
dhcp server----pix-----dhcp clientsis it possible to have a dhcp server machine located on say the inside interface and the dhcp clients are on the dmz?thanks
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-05-2002 11:22 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 295
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