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Member since ‎01-27-2015

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  • 49 Posts
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We have a Cisco rv325 dual band router (only WAN1 is connected to anything) which is used for access to our internet connection.Actually, the Internet connection (WAN1) is via a fiber modem provided by my phone/ISP and via a DMZ which bypasses the bu...
I have a RV-325 with a basic one VLAN (default) configuration -  I use this router to VPN into other sites/locations to access resources and transfer data.  It is working fine, until we tried to access a new site which, my luck, is using t...
Using a Cisco RV325 Dual Band router and generally it is working fine. However, I'm a bit confused about firewall access rules and port forwarding rules, what they do and when are they needed.I recently wanted to allow port 80 to go to a test compute...
I have a RV325 dual WAN unit which is working fine.  I recently built a test webserver on one of my Raspberry Pi computers which in using  I can access that web server from my laptop on the RV325 network by going to that address so I know ...
I have been struggling to get VPN access setup on our RV-325 router.  We will be using the Windows 10 built-in VPN client setup for PPTP.  As I recall the L2TP will not work with the RV-325?  We have a VPN server on our local network which we used be...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-27-2015 07:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 10:35 AM
Posts 49
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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