Sebastian Goetze
Level 1
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Member since ‎11-28-2017

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Hello community,we use a Codec Pro in a meeting room controlled by a third party controler over SSH instead of a RoomNaviagtor or Touch10. This works fine up to a certain point. We want to join a webinar. And for that we have to enter the Panelist co...
Hello,we use a Webex Board Pro and the PTZ4K as second camera for PresenterTrack. It all works fine but the image of the PTZ4K cannot be mirrored. Nothing is readable over the PTZ4K. Has anyone the same problem?Thanks
Hi @Allwe have purchased a Webex Board Pro 75 and would use it with a Samsung display as second screen. The HDMI out is active and the second screen works fine but is CEC control already implemented? The Samsung display is not be set to standby when ...
Hi,we control a Codec Pro via third party touchpanels from QSC over SSH. All works fine, only Camera Mute does not work correctly. First time it is functioning but then the xapi command to mute the MainVideo gives an "Unrecognized Command" failure.If...
Hello @ all, we've got a Codec Pro which should get the sum of all microphones from a DSP via Line Out. The 8 Mic/Line inputs of the codec should be settable between these two modes but there is actually no possibility to change the "Type" like in SX...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-28-2017 04:39 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 01:23 AM
Posts 15
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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