So what i am trying to achieve with the script is few counters for health checks of UC devices.
To do so i am using paramiko lib with python to issue cli commands over ssh and return the output.
This scripts works perfectly fine with commands that...
So i am using this scripts that uses perfmon api to fetch counters/details from call manager.
Some details about the script.
Python 3.x
Libs: suds-jurko, ssl
API: perfmon api
hey chris,
The code worked on py 3.4.
I was developing the script on py 2.7 earlier.
As per the understanding py 3.4 implementation of urlopen either ignores those alerts or doesn't use those key sharing algorithms.
remote_conn.send("show perf query counter "Cisco XCP CM" "CmConnectedSockets" \r")
I wonder if this would get interpreted correctly by python.
My code editor already warns me of this. Check the attached file.
What i did was escape the " with \"...
My cli query on this case is show perf query counter "Cisco XCP CM" "CmConnectedSockets"
The same quer works perfectly fine over the shell in imp node.
But fails to get the output here,