Already Paul explained it very well. Adding the summary in my words.CONF BPDU in 802.1DSent by Root Bridge via Designated ports every 2 secs. All the downstream non-root switches will receive that and will further forward it downstream via Designated...
Along with the points shared above, if all the 6 checks given below are good, hopefully it should work. If not, let us know. 1. Make sure 0.1 (SVI) and 0.2 (PC) are part of same VLAN. Also, check if SVI is up (no shut) and reachable locally from swit...
As mentioned in the above doc, below cmds can help to log the config cmds in log. configure terminal
log config
logging enable
logging size 200
notify syslogHowever, it just shows the config cmds, not the exec mode cmd...