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Member since ‎04-10-2018

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I have set up a core stack of 3750 switches (3750e, 3750g, and 3750v1 w/PoE) that seems to be running solid. I connected 2 gigabit trunks from the core to a Front of House switch (3560v1) via fiber. I'm intentionally not enabling routing on the FoH, ...
I'm trying to plan for a server that will be running 4 VMs. While I was contemplating the way I would have it work, I realized I needed each VM to be on a different VLAN. From what I understand, I could set up the port it's attached to on the switch ...
Hello everyone, I have a 3750 stacked core switch (1x 3750G and 2x 3750v1) that works perfectly. It does all the routing inside my LAN and it also leases all my DHCP addresses. The problem that I'm having is that my devices on my access switches (1x ...
I always lose connection to the Internet when I have 2 WiFi Access Points running. Since I assume it's related to either the switch or one of the two APs, I'll list the 3 devices only and if necessary branch out from there. I have a Catalyst 3750v1 p...
I have an issue where I need to add a backup route to my ASA. Currently I have Inside addressed in the subnet ( connected to the cable gateway ( I NAT all IPs from inside ( where the gateway PATs it. The pro...
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Member Since ‎04-10-2018 04:22 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-17-2020 01:01 PM
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