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Member since ‎11-20-2015

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I have a problem where I answer an inbound call on my E1 PRI and then transfer the call off-net over the same E1 PRI. It seems that CUCM does not fully release the call and two channels are used for this inbound / outbound transfer. Is there somethin...
I have built a SIP trunk between a CUCM and a Cube router. I have enabled SIP options ping on the CUCM and on the Cube to keep the trunk up as CUCM was disabling it by default otherwise.   The problem I am experiencing is when the network connection ...
It is well understood that IOS-XE does not support voicexml and thus MVA. Now that Cisco has and end of sale for the 39xx and 29xx routers, what is the path for those customers still wishing to use MVA or MVA like functionality in a world of ISR 4xx...
Running SIP phone firmware 11.0 and earlier, I found that when selecting an individual line on the phone would not change the External Phone Number Mask that is displayed at the top of the phone display. From the 11.5 SIP release onwards it seems th...
I am running CUCM 10.5.2.   I have configured a Call Pickup and added a few people into it and am able to pickup calls to this group from any other person within the group. The problem is that I want to pickup calls to this group from someone outsi...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-20-2015 01:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-04-2018 01:02 PM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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