Well, it's quite common requirement for industrial environment, where a power cycle may cost 4k USD. This is quite often the last resort to recover the remote device on the AP.Seems like when no option to flap the port from the WLC, it cannot do fro...
The problem is that the camera is connected to the AP, not to a switch (though there is a "switch" in the 1552 and 6300 APs).In case of a mesh AP, it's not even connected to any switch.For example:>show ap lan port-summary TEST-APLAN Port configurati...
Command supposed to be: config ap lan port-id <port ID> poe disable <AP name>orconfig ap lan poe-out disable <AP name>But it give me the error:"This AP does not support this feature !" - on 1552 AP.Though you may try to just disable the port:config a...
I assume the link has changed meantime, try this:Cisco Feature NavigatorOr rather you can access from the Cisco's main page => Support => Tools and resources => All support tools => Cisco Feature Navigator.
As far as my current experience SVL is not natively supported in DNA-C (or CAT-C). What I have used for Day0 is - Jinja tempalte:{# Configure SVL and DAD interfaces #}....{# Set the SWV priority and reload the device #}event manager applet POST_PNPev...