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Member since ‎11-24-2011

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Previously had an ssid configure as follows;dot11 ssid MYSSID   vlan MYVLAN   authentication open    guest-mode!interface Dot11Radio0 ssid MYSSID !But I want to replace it with this;dot11 ssid MYSSID-NEW   vlan MYVLAN   authentication open    authent...
Wondering if someone can share some knowledge, its the first time I've had to do this with a cisco router. I need to forward specific ports to the internal ip;UDP 15001-15200TCP 15001I have a standard ADSL model set to bridged mode, a Cis...
Just in the process of updating documentation and I need to let some vendors know a local subnet has changed.We previously had but have since changed the mask to I tell them its or 161...
I am trying to create an ipsec vpn to Amazon VPC for the first time but I can't get it to work. Debug crypto isaksmp shows the following;*Jan 13 05:17:52.915: ISAKMP:(0):No pre-shared key with x.x.x.x*Jan 13 05:17:52.915: ISAKMP:(0):Preshared authent...
These are the commands I run to copy into my disaster recovery planning documents. Just wondering if there are any other commands I should run or if maybe this is just overkill.SW 3750 STACKsh versh bootsh env allsh invsh switch detailsh cdp neish vl...
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Member Since ‎11-24-2011 06:24 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 40