Claudia de Luna
Member since ‎04-25-2011

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  • 349 Posts
  • 53 Solutions
  • 243 Helpful votes Given
  • 884 Helpful votes Received
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40 Discussion Posts
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I just noticed the Collapse button next to Reply in threads!  I'm so happy! I"ve been requesting that feature for a while now.When I went to share it with my team, it looks like im the only one with that optionNo one else has that Collapse button.Any...
We are looking at options for a North/South firewall into and out of a single-site ACI Fabric. The current preferred option is to use an HA Active/Standby firewall cluster in transparent mode with two ACI border leafs (also vPC pair) eBGP peering wit...
Hi, We have a strange situation with a host and while this is clearly an application issue, I was hoping the considerable ACI brain trust here might help me wrap my head around how the fabric will behave in this situation.So this badly behaved applic...
Hi, We are working on a proof of concept for staging C9300 switches via ZTP. We tested out everything in the lab first so we knew we had a valid DHCP configuration and Python script. When we unboxed some of the new switches and attempted to provision...
Hi,I'm working with this great ZTP getting started repoI'm having one issue and that is with the EEM upgrade function. I have a C9300L-24P-4X running Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.12.02.The script works beautifully until I try to install the soft...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-25-2011 09:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-03-2024 12:05 AM
Posts 349
Total Helpful Votes Received 552
Community Spotlight Award
English Community, Developer of the Month, May 2020
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