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Level 1
Member since ‎12-22-2015

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We have got some problem in our router (a 1841, IOS Version 12.4(15)T12), I activated the command "debug ip packet" (to observ nat translation) then the cpu become full (100%) and I wasn't able to reach the management IP of it. After restarting the r...
Hello, We have got some problem in our router (a 1841, IOS Version 12.4(15)T12), I activated the command "debug ip packet" (to observ nat translation) then the cpu became full (100%) and I wasn't able to reach the management IP of it. Afte...
Hello, We have got some problem in our router (a 1841, IOS Version 12.4(15)T12), I activated the command "debug ip packet" (to observ nat translation) then the cpu became full (100%) and I wasn't able to reach the management IP of it. Afte...
We have got some problem in our router (a 1841, IOS Version 12.4(15)T12), I activated the command "debug ip packet" (to observ nat translation) then the cpu became full (100%) and I wasn't able to reach the management IP of it. After restarting the r...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-22-2015 04:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 6