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Member since ‎05-21-2018

User Statistics

  • 77 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 80 Helpful votes Given
  • 11 Helpful votes Received

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Hi Guys, My ASR is running "Version 16.12.05" and has the same issue. The only way to fix this is to reload the ASR. Anyone else had the same issue? Thanks. 
Hi Guys, I'm trying to understand what's happening here. I can see Phase 1 UP, However no traffic flow. I suspect an issue with Phase 2. Following is an output of the below debug commands. This was working perfectly fine. And no changes have been mad...
Hi Team, Any reason why the show logging timestamps are not on the order? The timings of the logs are not in order. These logs were captured at 16:21, but why do 15:21 appear on the logs? Sep 30 16:21:33.967 BST: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on...
Hi Guys, Following is the IKEv2 setup I have (which works perfectly fine)However, I would like to know how we can add an IP Pool to issue IP addresses during the IKE Phase (Phase 1)The requirement is to have multiple spoke devices to establish an IPS...
Hi Team, I have an "ASR1001-X" running "IOS XE Version 16.6.3" with "ROM: IOS-XE ROMMON" as shown below.I need to update the version from  16.6.3 to 16.12.4. I will be downloading Version "16.12.4" from the following URL. URL : https://software.cisco...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-21-2018 11:31 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-11-2022 05:33 AM
Posts 77
Total Helpful Votes Received 11