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Member since ‎03-09-2009

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Hi All,          I have saved the running configuration to startup first and rebooted the ACS 5.1. Since then it has stopped Authentication logs, though I can login to the network devices using Tacacs login, but I am not getting Tacacs authentication...
Hello, I have configured ACS 5.1 and using Tacacs. I have two juniper SSG140 FW's in different subnet. Tacacs authentication is working on one SSG140 FW, but not on the other one. Tacacs configuration on both FW's are exactly the same. Both FW's have...
Hi Experts,                I 've been given a task to implement multicast in an organisation. I do understand and have a good concept of multicasting/addressing and pim etc. But I never configured Server/Client side of things. I can configure router/...
Hi, As per the route pattern rules, 9.@ means dial any where! I have configured 9.@ with a pre-dot, but the internal users cannot make a call to the outside e.g mobile/local/national/international numbers. I configured another route pattern manually ...
hi I have head office configured CUCM 7 and remote offices in different countries connected via VPN back to the headoffice. The remote IP Phones are registered with the CUCM 7 via VPN, I configured different regions,codec 7.29G, device pools/time etc...
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Member Since ‎03-09-2009 10:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 77
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