Level 8
Level 8
Member since ‎12-12-2000

User Statistics

  • 1238 Posts
  • 85 Solutions
  • 85 Helpful votes Given
  • 994 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

Does IGMP snooping work with Q in Q 802.1ad(dot1q tunneling)? I have searched extensively but can't find a clear answer.I am on the customer side, and my testing suggests that either snooping is working on the carrier side or flooding is restricted t...
We have an auditor that wants to see all active signatures from our version 6.0(3) SSM-10s.Is there any way to export all active signatures in report form? The auditor says he has received this from other clients.We use CSM, ASDM, and MARS but I don'...
I am trying to understand some interesting layer 2 behavior that occurred when pruning a VLAN.The topology is a 3750 stack uplinked to a 6509 and 4006 via 1gb fiber ports configured for dot1Q trunking. The 6509 and 4006 are also connected by a trunk....
Is it possible to use SSL keepalives with a uri string? The config guide seems to say just SSL Hellos, but I would like confirmation.Today we have this:<b>service WWW-Test keepalive type http keepalive uri "http://XXX.XXX.197.28/efs/servlet/efs/w...
What determines the length of time that syslog is retained by Ciscoworks? We have a requirement to keep logs for 1 year, but only seem to have 2 months. The server has over 60 GB of free space, so there must be a config setting somewhere?Thanks
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-12-2000 06:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 1,238
Total Helpful Votes Received 994
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