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Member since ‎09-09-2010

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Hello,This Cisco connects to another by VPN and both are 871 Models.Last sunday the VPN just dropped off the face of the earth and couldnt get it back. We all though it was the modem. We had teh ISP come in and check everything outa nd he swapped mod...
Verizon is changing to Frontier and therefore I have an IP and DNS to change. I changed the Fast Ethernet to the proper IP and Subnet mask. I also went to Other Tasks and changed the DNS numbers to the ones provided.The second I do this, no more inte...
We have a VPN setup for a customer between our shop and their shop 2.5 hours away. This is a Cisco 871.We had Verizon and the connection worked (still does) great!We had to switch providers as they sold to Frontier and were going to change our IPs an...
I have two model 871 routers. I know NOTHING about command line programming, so please dont provide ANY command lines. I just want to get them up and running through the GUI and be done with them. No data is going over the network. Its to join two di...
One of the customers we take care of has a VPN between our shop and there office. They are two 871's that has been working great for many years.They up and decide to change providers and locations.What is the EASIEST NEWBIE way to change the VPN addr...
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Member Since ‎09-09-2010 06:23 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 22