You may adjust the resync and the snmp intervals (note this will increase traffic on the network significantly) but not the ping intervals. The Cisco Catalyst Center is a tool designed for many things, network control, assurance, analytics, troublesh...
If you were able to use the first command, maglev login -k -u admin, and it worked, use a different browser or clear your browser cache as mentioned above, if that does not work you will need to open a case with Cisco TAC.
Most likely you have internal certificates that have expired or have lost a "symbolic link". Check the following three commands. If you see anything expired or the commands do not work, the only resolution is to open a case with Cisco TAC.
sudo magle...
It failed in the elasticsearch portion so most likely you have an issue with elasticsearch touching the server directory. This can be caused by several different issues in the Cisco DNA Center containers/pods/services. You may be able to quickly fix ...
Being unable to open the Web UI to the Cisco DNA Center can be several different problems.The best thing to do in this instance is to open a TAC case and let TAC look at it. However, you can check, from the CLI:
maglev login -k -u admin(This will ask...