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Member since ‎06-26-2008

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Hi Anyone,Have you ever met this problem before? It's an output from 2951 router running 15.1(2)T3 IOS. It's suppose to be just a few pstn calls, but what we have was (complete output attached):sh call active voice compact There are 563 call records,...
Hi Guys,Wish somebody could share his/her experience on this. I have a problem with ACE4710 Device Manager that after entering username and password, it will appear just a blank screen. And it happen also to the FT peer. I know that the workaround is...
Hi, I want to change my WAAS Box into Application accelerator mode, from Central Manager previously. But when i put in the command "device mode app", it shows this message : Device needs to be deregistered from Central Manager before changing device ...
Hi Guys,We have a WAN router which will be used by two different company (previously only one). So to separate the traffic we want to implement the VRF Lite in our WAN Router as we will have two L3 connection to the Provider. We have an isdn backup c...
Hi Guys Hope someone can help. Our ADSL line connected to our Cisco 877 is suddenly Down/Down. The provider has made me sure that the link was just fine. They tested it with a Layer 3 adsl tester. I notice that the carrier detect (CD) Led in the fron...
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Member Since ‎06-26-2008 05:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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