Member since ‎11-14-2018

User Statistics

  • 372 Posts
  • 7 Solutions
  • 1560 Helpful votes Given
  • 260 Helpful votes Received

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I want to capture host-to-host traffic on a Nexus 3k switch to verify its passage through the switch. As ethanalyzer only captures CPU-bound traffic, I prefer not to set up a SPAN session. Is it possible to achieve host-to-host traffic capture on an ...
Hi,I just want to know about stacking. I am configured two switch 9200L series as stack.Active switch is priority 15 and standby is priority 13. I noticed that standby switch got some issue, so i swap with new swtich . I configured priority 11 on new...
Hi,i would like to ask about ikev2 proposal encryption. If we are using we encryption in IKEv2 proposal but i will use strong encryption on IPSec, can IKE proposal compromise ? Phase 1 will compromise ?If Ike proposal is compromise, what kind of data...
Hi,I confuse how to work NTP traffic. My network device need NTP from window server. the firewall is between my network device and Window server .I enable NTP server service on window.So i would like to know If i open NTP port 123 on firewall for the...
Hi, I would like to ask about secondary IP to use GRE over IPsec. our current network using GRE over IPsec but we are apply the IPsec profile in Physical WAN interface. Now i want to create another IPsec tunnel for other branch. I will plan to create...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-14-2018 11:11 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-22-2024 07:34 PM
Posts 372
Total Helpful Votes Received 260
Community Spotlight Award
Rookie, February 2019
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