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Member since ‎12-22-2018

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can you please share your thoughts on Seeing ARP entries even though interface is down? note: we are able to see ARP entry but not able to ping IP address. we even cleared arp entry but still it is existing in the arp table with no Age limit like bel...
I know we can form ospf neighborship between routers using Physical and VLAN interfaces but would like to know if we are able to form neighbor ship using Loop back interfaces. how can we find neighbor routers from the router that I use in an environm...
over level 3 MPLS connection GRE tunnel is formed between two routers.on one of the routers observing tunnel interface is under a VRF and that tunnel interface uses WAN interface as tunnel source to have connectivity or to form neighborship with othe...
would like to do code upgrade one at a time in VSS 4500 switches . kindly suggest us if we are able to do that and also share the step by step procedure if possible. because cisco says that we need to completely reload VSS 4500 switch during IOS upgr...
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Member Since ‎12-22-2018 11:06 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-27-2019 11:54 PM
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