Vishnu Vardhan S
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Member since ‎04-29-2016

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Can somebody help with the question how many labs we get in ccie lab, I mean how many topology
I have a question here regarding DHCP  R1 and R2 connected to a switch with vlan 10 and vlan 20 respectively and the switch is connected to a Router R3 in which i have configured DHCP with ip pool configured.  Now my question is how these two routers...
Please help me with this.   r1-----r3------r5|                         |r2-----r4------r6 see the attachment for the diagram also R1 R3 and R5 is Area 0R2 R4 and R6 is Area 1 Please, someone explain the database.  Router#show ip ospf databaseOSPF Rou...
Hey all!! Have you ever thought how a sends out a packet to the router when both the router configured with same ip address.   R1-                                          |_____________R3 check...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-29-2016 12:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-09-2021 08:31 PM
Posts 149
Total Helpful Votes Received 157