Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎09-07-2007

User Statistics

  • 176 Posts
  • 14 Solutions
  • 21 Helpful votes Given
  • 145 Helpful votes Received
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50 Discussion Posts

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The caller ID on the phone is the CTI number, not the actual number of the caller. We have integrated the Salesforce connector and it works, but it tries to route off the 4 digit CTI number, not the 10 digit ANI of the caller ID. I also see the 4 d...
I'm running a reactive debug on a script and when I get to the section in reference to selecting a resource from a queue, I get the following error:Wrong trigger type: times I'll get this error messa...
I went to a user, notifications, email, and put in the email address and enabled it. I click save and get this message "The specified SMTP address cannot be in the VMS domain." I searched and didn't see anything here on the forums about it and goog...
I've got a customer who wants to set up a live audio feed. I've got an FXO card in a router that is set up and ready to go for the live input. I've got the adapter ready to send the signal. My network is set up for multicast. What do I need to do...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-07-2007 08:27 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-07-2018 12:03 AM
Posts 176
Total Helpful Votes Received 145