Hi,at my current project I have problems creating a uniform dialplan with the given overlaping DN ranges.So I am thinking about the asterisk (*) as first digit of the new Directory Numbers.Are there any known limitations with this idea ?Thanks
Hi,I do know that PVDM2-16 (1 DSP) supports 2 conference-sessions at G.729a , i.e. 2 conferences with 8 participants.Is the same DSP also able to support 4 conferences with 4 participants ?Thanks
Hi,we already checked with the manufacturer (www.gnnetcom.com).They state (because we want to use HHC) we must use 79X2 or 79X5 with firmware 8.3(3) and Callmanger 4.1(3) or higher.But I need the information if HHC also works with CME.
I was told by a colleague that I would get trouble if it later on was necessary to integrate voicemail and that CTI applications (like Cycos) would not run with DNs starting with *.What about this ?