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Member since ‎09-28-2007

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We acquired in 2016,  220 cisco  Phones 7821, currently more than 20 ipphones are down,  they all have the same probléme which is  'network unavailable' , the pin (RJ45) are not damaged,  we have changed the cable, used other switch, reset phone,  ph...
Hi, We need to use ATA 187 to send and receive fax as described in attached image. Can you show me how to configure the gateway and the ATA ? Regards.
Hi,I am facing to a strange issue.I planed to configure a new catalyst 2960 switch with console cable.During the boot, all seems ok. but from my terminal client, I can't have access to configuration mode.Keyboard or Terminal client is not sending com...
Hi,I would like to interconnect one HP C7000 Blade Center to our SAN Network.As described in the attached file, the SAN network consist of two (02) fabrics based exclusively on Cisco MDS 9124 FC switches.The HP C7000 Blade Center is equiped of two (0...
Hi,After downloading Cisco Fax Server (Captaris RightFax) from Cisco website, I tried to install it.But I received a message saying that the product must be activated.I would like to know :- To activate the Fax software, a license file is required. D...
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Member Since ‎09-28-2007 07:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-15-2022 09:32 AM
Posts 32
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