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Member since ‎05-27-2009

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When I try and installed CCP Express (2.5) on my 1841 via the setup.exe file — the installation connects to the router, etc. but fails with the following error: "File copy operation failed" (during the file copy operation) — and that's it. The instal...
Hello.I have a stack (combination of SGE2010P and SGE2010 switches) and I have a group of ports I need to limit bandwidth on. I've tried looking at the online help for the Edit Bandwidth option, but I'm having a hard time correlating the numbers in t...
Hello.Prior to making any configuration changes to my device configuration (startup or running), I backup the current config via "Save Configuration to PC". I have been having some issues with my device lately so I though I'd roll back to a known sta...
Hello.Whenever I try and edit/delete a NAT entry via CPP (tried v2.1, v2.2 and v2.3 — even rolled back to SDM as a last resort), when I "delver" the command, it says it's delivering 14 commands, we loose connection to the internet (internal network r...
Hello,I'm looking to purchase a Cisco SGE2010P 48-port Gigabit Switch (POE) for a 100% Macintosh environment. Because of this, none of the machines will be able to access the switch (including initial, out of the box setup) via the console port. So, ...
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Member Since ‎05-27-2009 01:59 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 7