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Member since ‎08-19-2019

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I understand that a standard access port is not a trunk port, but you can allow two vlans voice and data vlansDoes a voice vlan on an access port basically have its packet all tagged which a voip phone can communicate with as its designed to work wit...
On a trunked port for a wap we enable a native vlan for non tagged traffic to be passed to the port which I understand.I have noticed on some non Cisco hardware that you can define the native vlan on a access port as well as a trunked port. So any no...
At one of our sites we have our own router Cisco 1941 router connected to an ISP router also Cisco as happens I can remote onto our 1941 router using its wan IP no issues there But when I connect through our management loop back address I am getting ...
wol not working with ISE authentication We have had wake on lan working without ISE authentication, since the desktops have been linked to ise we can no longer use wake on lan to turn on the relevant machinesThe machines have been added to ISE using ...
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Member Since ‎08-19-2019 01:47 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-13-2023 07:31 AM
Posts 8
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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