Devinder Sharma
Level 1
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Member since ‎04-07-2010

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Hi All,At an existing customer, I enabled IGMP Snooping Querier (and by default IGMP Snooping is enabled) for a L2 environment, created  a separate VLAN for Wired SmartTVs that need to use Multicast streams from TV service . While all looks good, loo...
Hello all,I can use some advice on troubleshooting this issue. I have case opened with support for few days but have not made much progress. I am working on a project with Qty 2 of WLC9800 in HA and 220 AP9115ax.  WLCs are running latest TAC recommen...
Hi @Leo Laohoo and other experts, read this post relevant for a dual sup scenario. I am looking for some directions on a set up of two 4510...
Hello All, I upgraded a customer network with 42 AP1832 from 8.5.161 to 8.10.151 and ever since, I am unable to save the config either from GUI or from CLI. I could wait minutes to hours and every single time, I have the same error "Config sync in pr...
Hello Everyone, I have staged FTD firewalls in lab and before installation onsite, I will like to clear all the clutter for the events and audit log when installation is completed. I could do this in FMC, but not using FDM.Under expert mode shell, I ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-07-2010 07:30 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-12-2024 12:48 AM
Posts 87
Total Helpful Votes Received 45
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