Hello, We have Cisco ISE 2.7.In Operations>Reports>Audit>Administrator Logins tab we can't see any logs about AD users failed login attempts (wrong password issue). But we see logs about failed login attempts of the local administrators. We upgraded ...
Hello!I can’t see “OK” button in the ASDM Define Query tab “Configuration>Firewall>Access Rules” :What «privilege» command in the CLI allows to apply a Query filter in Access rules tab in ASDM for users with <15 priv level? How to make “OK” button vi...
Hi all,We have a Prime Infrastructure 3.3 HA Cluster (automatic failover type) with the following problem:In the Health Monitor of the Primary server we get Status "WARNING" and see:State "Primary Failover" and message: "The primary failed and hence ...
Hi all, We have a Prime Infrastructure 3.3 HA Cluster (automatic failover type) with the following problem:Primary Server had Syncing State before Failover and the Secondary was active.In the Health Monitor of the Primary server we get Status "WARNIN...
Hi,We have HW PI server. When we tried to install Cisco PI 3.7 from scratch from an iso file on the server we recieved the following message (see screenshot): What causes the problem, and how to fix it, can you please help?Regards
@marce1000, I can't remove the HA-configuration, because when I try to use the "ncs ha remove" command, I get the error message: "HA removal cannot be done when Primary server is not in Active state" The current states of our servers: Secondary Activ...