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Member since ‎06-10-2009

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Hi,Does anybody know where UCCXv8 store prompts? (like the "C:\Program Files\wfavvid\Prompts\user\" folder in V4).I wanted to access to those prompts by a Remote Java Object on the UCCX Script.Is it possible to access to the prompt folder with a WinS...
Hi,i installed ESXi4 on UCS B200M1 Blade, after ip address Configuration is done isaw:"Download tools to manage this host fromhttp:// (static)"But i can't ping this Ip Address and i can't reach it by http.I use the same ip address as KVM ...
Hi everybody,when i finished to setup service profile i always get the same error:Config failureAssociate state: unassociatedAssigne state: failedConfiguration error: Connection-placement                            There are not enough resources over...
Hi,the "multidirectory" service allow me to search in several CCM LDAP.But there is no Ldap directory in CCM 5. Is there a cisco service which allow searching in CCM4 LDAP directory and CCM5 database (AXL Soap), Without programming?thanks
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Member Since ‎06-10-2009 10:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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