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Member since ‎11-07-2001

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Pix 525, OS 7.2(3)I am trying to do the following:Inside FTP-server NAT-address: Network: connection from remote network to outside NAT-adress that should be redirected to inside FTP-server.I am trying ...
There is a feature in version 6.x of the Pix OS that is called turbo ACL.Is there a similar function in version 7.x of the Pix? (The command "access-list ACL compile" does not exists in version 7)
The first step of our NAC implementation would be to segment our network in two VLAN´s. One production network and one consultant network.Is it possible to check the Windows XP client´s active directory domain membership and segment them only based o...
A customer has setup a VPN between a PIX 501 (6.2(2)) and a FW1NG FP3.They are using 3DES, SHA, DH Group 2.When they test the performance the throughput is only about 500Kbps. If they connect using the FW1 SecuRemote klient instead they got a through...
I have BIG problems with user disconnects over a PIX-concentrator VPN setup:Pix 501 on ADSL connection (static IP-address) (on branch office)3005 concentrator on head office.3DES both on IKE and IPSEC-levels. MD5, group1Both PIX and Concentrator uses...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-07-2001 09:49 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-17-2024 11:24 PM
Posts 52
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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