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A little help with a used UC520

William Paulsen
Level 1
Level 1

Upon the advice here, I just received a used UC520-8U.  (I'm having constant problems with a SPA9000/SPA400 with 10 SPA504g phones.  So I asked here if the UC500 is reasonable.  I bought used on Ebay because a new one is too expensive.)

When I powered it up the 8 RJ45 LAN green lights came on, but then when off about 30 seconds later.  When I plugged in a PC they are not live.  The WLAN jack is live, but I don't know the IP address.  I called Cisco tech support to inquire about a hard reset button, but I need a Cisco tech support contract, however the tech mentioned there's no reset button and to connect to the CLI.

I did not get the RJ45/Serial cable with the UC520, so I haven't been able to try the CLI.   I've looked on the Cisco website for a detailed UC520 admin manual, but I've only found a Quickstart guide (and also the CCA and other web manuals).  Is there a more detailed manual somewhere?  I'd like to know the pinout of the RJ45 so I can make my own serial adapter cable.

So - any hints for how to proceed?


27 Replies 27


I plugged a PC into one of the UC520's ethernet ports, and eventually the PC got an IP.  But when I ran CCA on the PC, it could not find anything at that IP address, and there was also no web server running either.  So, I'm now just waiting for my SmartNet contract to come through.


See the following link:

In essence, for the used product, the software license on the UC500 is not transferrable so new licenses must be purchased as well as the hardware must be inspected before it can be placed on a contract.

Steve DiStefano

U.S. Sales at Cisco

Hi Steve,

I believe he has gone through that process allready ... Unless i have misinterpreted what has been written.

If not and he can not get SMARTnet, then i will gladly program the system up for him as it currently stands, i would hate to see an investment like that go to waste.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Fortunately I'm using the base software configuration that comes with the UC520 (ie, 8 users), so there's no software transfer fee needed in my case.  This is from

1. Software Bundled with Hardware: In situations where Products combine Hardware and Software and there is no separate Product code or License Fee charged for the Software on the applicable Cisco then-current published price list at the time of transfer (and therefore a separate License Fee for the Software cannot be determined), an exception will be made to allow for the transfer without the transferee being required to pay a new License Fee.

Bill Paulsen

If anyone is still following this thread:  I bought a used, out of warranty, but working UC520 a few weeks ago, for my wife's business with 10 IP phones and 4 analog PSTN lines.  I successfully purchased a SmartNet plan. But things are not going well.

I've been on the phone with TAC support for a total of about 6 hours during the last few weeks (I was away for about 1 week).  I'm at the point where I can plug a PC into one of the 8 ethernet ports, and the PC will get an IP from the UC520's DHCP server.  And I can see a web server at and .2.  But absolutely nothing else interesting works.  IOS updates seems to go OK, but then fail.

And the TAC support person says not to use CCA for anything, just use the CLI, and maybe the web pages at .1 and .2.  I had posted a message here asking if the UC520 actually worked and could be configured, and people suggested CCA is the way to go, and the online docs looked reasonable.

Anyways, my question is simply:  Do UC520 installations actually work, reliably???  Ie, do incoming PSTN calls get answered and routed, Voice mail works, even minimal AA???

And do people really do all configuring with CLI???  Why does Cisco promote CCA with colorful brochures and docs if it's not supported by TAC???

Hi Bill,

If anyone is still following this thread: 

**Puts Hand Up \o***

I've been on the phone with TAC support for a total of about 6 hours 
during the last few weeks (I was away for about 1 week).  I'm at the 
point where I can plug a PC into one of the 8 ethernet ports, and the PC
 will get an IP from the UC520's DHCP server.  And I can see a web 
server at and .2.  But absolutely nothing else interesting 
works.  IOS updates seems to go OK, but then fail.

Well the first problem is we need to get this system working of a stable platform, I am sure TAC has most likely looked at this, but I would be willing to explore this with you again.

And the TAC support person says not to use CCA for anything, just use 
the CLI, and maybe the web pages at .1 and .2.  I had posted a message 
here asking if the UC520 actually worked and could be configured, and 
people suggested CCA is the way to go, and the online docs looked 

Right this is always going to be a red hot topic, the one thing to do is turn a CLI jockey into a GUI Guru, people who have spent the better part of the engineering life working on a command line are usually adverse to using any form of GUI manipulation, lets face it no one really likes change right? Due to my lack of command like experience 2 years ago I was all for a GUI system when it came to Cisco products, everyone else laughed at me, then I was forced to learn the command line (And I know now I will never master it), having now experience with the command line I do show it some bias, there is more control on the command line then with the GUI, but there is also the noose factor (You put the noose around your neck and hang yourself, Cisco doesn't), so there is a leaning now on my part for a usable and workable GUI system, and I think without a doubt it is needed. I guess the best advise I can give you is, DO NOT fall into the CLI v GUI debate, they both serve their own purposes and both have their faults and positives, there is no best solution/system.

Anyways, my question is simply:  Do UC520 installations actually work, 
reliably???  Ie, do incoming PSTN calls get answered and routed, Voice 
mail works, even minimal AA???

I sense teh frustration and the eagerness to hit something right now, sadly been there and even done it

With my hand on my heart I tell you with all honesty you have a brilliant system there, your troubles are not often encountered to the degree you are facing, but I point out this fact, and I hope I do it without causing offence; Equipment such as this really should be worked on by experienced engineers, whilst they can be worked on by people with little knowledge about how they work, the end results often more then not end up right where you are, HENCE why Cisco work tirelessly on the R&D for CCA and actively promote it, the idea is to allow the non experienced people to at least have a resemblance of a chance to configure the system up.

And do people really do all configuring with CLI???

2 Years ago yes, today NO

Why does Cisco promote CCA with colorful brochures and docs if it's not supported by TAC???

Ok a very good question, the only answer I have is that it would appear Cisco are in a transitional period of migrating support for these SMB systems to their SMB support team which are not TAC personal, again it would appear that the staff are trained on how to provide support using CCA and only CCA, if it requires command line support then I suspect it would get escalated then to TAC (Maybe???). Again try not to get caught up in the GUI-v-CLI questions and debate, I promise you it will do your head in, and may even turn you to the amber liquid.

As per usual, I am happy to extend to you my time to see if I can help you out, the same as last time I am even willing to log into your system remotely and see if I can upgrade it to the latest IOS for you, and Apply Factory Default settings, and even set the system up with a basic configuration for you, if this will help you and get you on your feet so you can manage the rest of it with CCA, then I am willing to donate my time to you.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Thanks for your comments.  I'm not so sure about the CCA - I'm simply looking around, and about every minute or so I get a Java null pointer error popup. I'm not setting anything, just looking.  I simply dismiss the popup, but I wonder how can anyone actually configure a system with these error?  (It's version 2.2, which I think is the latest)  And I just went another 3 hour round with TAC support last night.  The only thing I got accomplished was to allow the UC520 the ability to work as a route, where the WAN port is connected to another router, which then go the ISP.  I can't understand how this could take 3 hours of several webex sessions, just to get to that step.  How many years to configure a phone???  Or a dialplan???

Ok Bill,

Something is not right and I am a little concerned with how everything is working out for you.

If you get a chance to, give me a crack at your system again so I can have a chance to restore your confidence in Cisco, I am certain I can get things right for you.

I can do it via SSH or remote desktop either way I am happy.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Hi David,

I have been following this thread, obviously not as extensively as you.

You have recognized the need for ;

1.  factory default of the config (CUE and CME)

2.  Software upgrade to

Then CCA version 2.2.4 will work.

Bill has a support agreement with Cisco now.  So his Cisco connection Online (CCO) login should allow him to download software CCA and the upgrade package  for his UC520.

But his CCO ID  doesn't, maybe.

So might be the problem.... At this point his/her CCO ID is probably not associated with the Smartnet Contract number.

Bill should ;

Step 1. Call the local Cisco office and ask to speak with "Cisco Customer Service"

    (the operator that takes the call should know where to direct that request.)

Bill could also ask to speak with the Partner Relationship Team as well, both will lead to customer service.

Step 2. Confirm that you are speaking with "Cisco Customer Service," if not ask them to redirect you to the appropriate folks

Step 3. Tell Customer Service of your predicament, they will need the smartnet contract number and your CCO ID.

Step 4. Hopefully they will then associate the smartnet contract number to a CCO ID profile.

I have heard mention that they associate the smartnet contract number with a company number and sometimes they just associate the CCO ID with the company.  But the Customer Service Rep should be able to do that for Bill and handle that red tape.

regards Dave

Thanks for all the comments.  I need to allocate a few hours of time on the phone with TAC later today.  I've already downloaded and CCA 2.2.4.  But I no success using the CCA to update the 8.0.2 software, even after a factory reset. This seems to be a problem other people also have, so I'm certainly not alone here.  TAC supported suggested doing the update from CLI using ftp, but I pointed out the flash card didn't have enough free memory to do this.

I hope you understand why I must continue to ask this question: Does Anyone have a working UC520 system, anywhere???  It's really hard for me to believe this, given the buggy CCA and all the time required to do what I think should be very very simple things.  (Note that I've used/setup/admin'd Linux systems for many years so I'm not CLI adverse.)

Hi Bill,

I have unicast a email to your gmail account.  Upgrading SHOULD be a easy process now that you have all the software.

If i can avoid CLI, i will avoid CLI.

regards Dave

Thanks Dave Hornstein for his help in getting my used UC520 up and running.  TAC was able to do a minimal level of revival, but not enough to get the UC520 to a full factory reset, which Dave was able to do.

I've now got a UC520 running mostly OK, with 8 IP phones, 3 analog FXS phones, and 4 PSTN lines, in addition to about 25 PCs, printers, and cameras.


Hello David. I have a Cisco UC520 too. I got it preowned by a electionics company, and it wasn’t reset to defaults. So I took the Card out when booting up and got to “romon>”. So I said the config-register and the number (forgot it). Then restarted it by unplugging it. Then I held the pause key (laptop users: end key) and got the config prompts. So I finished setting it up. Then I did enable prompt then did the config-register and again the number (different number and yes, I forgot it). Now, I tried to open up Cisco Configure Assistant (CCA) to find out that I needed a IP address. So how do I obtain that IP address and the username and password? Please, can you help me?