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VPN Connection Keeps Dropping - Deny IP Spoof, UDP Discard to self, IPs are getting denied

Level 2
Level 2

I'm having VPN Connectivity issues with one of my remote locations.  The VPN Connection won't stay connected for more than a few hours. Talking with both ISPs they do not see any issues with the Connections.   


Looking around there was a few posts about disabling the CRYPTO ISAMP Keepalives, though that would make the VPN stay connected, there would be no traffic passed on the Tunnel. 

With other remote offices I can logout the VPN connection and the IP Phones go silent for 5 seconds then the Call Continues. with this office the Calls get Dropped and the Phones reboot. 


I've captured the Syslog entered from a recent VPN Tunnel Drop and reconnect.   A few of the Things that seem odd are the Deny IP Spoof, UDP Discard to self, IPs are getting denied. 


I think that when the IPPHones are Denied connection to the IPOffice, thats when the Phones reboot.  Why would the Connections be denied, it it because they are now out of Sync in the TCP Communications and it thinks the Packets are getting spoofed or something?




8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713041: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Initiator: Rekeying Phase 2, Intf hbg-outside-198, IKE Peer <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (hbg-outside-198_map)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-714005: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Responder sending 2nd QM pkt: msg id = 0d655230
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 6 per second, max configured rate is 30; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 9; Cumulative total count is 7475
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713201: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Duplicate Phase 2 packet detected. Retransmitting last packet.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713201: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Duplicate Phase 2 packet detected. Retransmitting last packet.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, QM FSM error (P2 struct &0xca898d10, mess id 0xd655230)!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715065: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE QM Responder FSM error history (struct &0xca898d10) #%cLt#%state>, #%cLt#%event>: QM_DONE, EV_ERROR-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_RESEND_MSG-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, NullEvent-->QM_SND_MSG2, EV_SND_MSG-->QM_SND_MSG2, EV_START_TMR-->QM_SND_MSG2, EV_RESEND_MSG-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_TIMEOUT-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, NullEvent
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713041: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Initiator: Rekeying Phase 2, Intf hbg-outside-198, IKE Peer <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (hbg-outside-198_map)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-714005: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Responder sending 2nd QM pkt: msg id = 4bc1c009
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 5 per second, max configured rate is 30; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 9; Cumulative total count is 7487
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-2 exceeded. Current burst rate is 2 per second, max configured rate is 20; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 8; Cumulative total count is 15344
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, QM FSM error (P2 struct &0xca947898, mess id 0xd655230)!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Removing peer from correlator table failed, no match!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715065: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE QM Responder FSM error history (struct &0xca947898) #%cLt#%state>, #%cLt#%event>: QM_DONE, EV_ERROR-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_IS_REKEY-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_CONFIRM_SA-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_PROC_MSG-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_HASH_OK-->QM_BLD_MSG2, NullEvent-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_COMP_HASH-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_VALIDATE_MSG
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713201: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Duplicate Phase 2 packet detected. Retransmitting last packet.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x433F4563) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xFE7674A4) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x433F4563) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xFE7674A4) between and (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713041: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Initiator: New Phase 2, Intf outside, IKE Peer <Head End Public IP> local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (outside_map1)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-752004: Tunnel Manager dispatching a KEY_ACQUIRE message to IKEv1. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-752012: IKEv1 was unsuccessful at setting up a tunnel. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-3-752015: Tunnel Manager has failed to establish an L2L SA. All configured IKE versions failed to establish the tunnel. Map Tag= hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-752002: Tunnel Manager Removed entry. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), QM FSM error (P2 struct &0x00007fffdf9fdee0, mess id 0xd655230)!
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715065: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE QM Initiator FSM error history (struct &0x00007fffdf9fdee0) #%cLt#%state>, #%cLt#%event>: QM_DONE, EV_ERROR-->QM_WAIT_MSG2, EV_TIMEOUT-->QM_WAIT_MSG2, NullEvent-->QM_SND_MSG1, EV_SND_MSG-->QM_SND_MSG1, EV_START_TMR-->QM_SND_MSG1, EV_RESEND_MSG-->QM_WAIT_MSG2, EV_TIMEOUT-->QM_WAIT_MSG2, NullEvent
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-313005: No matching connection for ICMP error message: icmp src hbg-outside-198: dst hbg-inside: (type 3, code 2) on hbg-outside-198 interface. Original IP payload: protocol 84 src dst
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-313005: No matching connection for ICMP error message: icmp src hbg-outside-198: dst hbg-inside: (type 3, code 2) on hbg-outside-198 interface. Original IP payload: protocol 84 src dst
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713201: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Duplicate Phase 2 packet detected. Retransmitting last packet.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715065: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE QM Responder FSM error history (struct &0xcab31b30) #%cLt#%state>, #%cLt#%event>: QM_DONE, EV_ERROR-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_RESEND_MSG-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, NullEvent-->QM_SND_MSG2, EV_SND_MSG-->QM_SND_MSG2, EV_START_TMR-->QM_SND_MSG2, EV_RESEND_MSG-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_TIMEOUT-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, NullEvent
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, QM FSM error (P2 struct &0xcab31b30, mess id 0x4bc1c009)!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-752004: Tunnel Manager dispatching a KEY_ACQUIRE message to IKEv1. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713041: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Initiator: New Phase 2, Intf hbg-outside-198, IKE Peer <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (hbg-outside-198_map)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-714005: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Responder sending 2nd QM pkt: msg id = 06403859
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-752008: Duplicate entry already in Tunnel Manager
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, QM FSM error (P2 struct &0xc9e5c460, mess id 0x4bc1c009)!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715065: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE QM Responder FSM error history (struct &0xc9e5c460) #%cLt#%state>, #%cLt#%event>: QM_DONE, EV_ERROR-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_IS_REKEY-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_CONFIRM_SA-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_PROC_MSG-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_HASH_OK-->QM_BLD_MSG2, NullEvent-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_COMP_HASH-->QM_BLD_MSG2, EV_VALIDATE_MSG
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Removing peer from correlator table failed, no match!
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-outside-198
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713201: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Duplicate Phase 2 packet detected. Retransmitting last packet.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 8 per second, max configured rate is 30; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 9; Cumulative total count is 7556
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-752008: Duplicate entry already in Tunnel Manager
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags SYN ACK on interface hbg-outside-198
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src hbg-outside-198: dst hbg-inside: by access-group "hbg-outside-198_access_in" [0x0, 0x0]
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713123: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE lost contact with remote peer, deleting connection (keepalive type: DPD)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713041: IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Initiator: New Phase 1, Intf NP Identity Ifc, IKE Peer <Head End Public IP> local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (outside_map1)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Removing peer from correlator table failed, no match!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Removing peer from correlator table failed, no match!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-713219: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Queuing KEY-ACQUIRE messages to be processed when P1 SA is complete.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received Cisco Unity client VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received xauth V6 VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received Fragmentation VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715064: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Peer included IKE fragmentation capability flags: Main Mode: True Aggressive Mode: True
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715028: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE SA Proposal # 1, Transform # 1 acceptable Matches global IKE entry # 2
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713259: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Session is being torn down. Reason: Lost Service
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-4-113019: Group = <Head End Public IP>, Username = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Session disconnected. Session Type: IPsec, Duration: 6h:48m:48s, Bytes xmt: 9287702, Bytes rcv: 279179747, Reason: Lost Service
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715048: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Send Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from (<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)) to <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) on interface outside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500 to outside:<Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>)/500
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xB2973A42) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xA1D181B3) between and (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x6CECD797) between and (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x4E20001E) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x7C480AF4) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x32EA3C69) between and (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xCB3B5A20) between and (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x3E0B06C7) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received Cisco Unity client VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received DPD VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received xauth V6 VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715064: IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Peer included IKE fragmentation capability flags: Main Mode: True Aggressive Mode: True
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received Fragmentation VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715048: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Send Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received DPD VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713119: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), PHASE 1 COMPLETED
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-713121: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Keep-alive type for this connection: DPD
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Starting P1 rekey timer: 73440 seconds.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-113009: AAA retrieved default group policy (jack) for user = <Head End Public IP>
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713121: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Keep-alive type for this connection: DPD
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713119: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, PHASE 1 COMPLETED
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-713220: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, De-queuing KEY-ACQUIRE messages that were left pending.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Starting P1 rekey timer: 82080 seconds.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-714007: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Initiator sending Initial Contact
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-3-713227: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Rejecting new IPSec SA negotiation for peer <Remote Office IP>. A negotiation was already in progress for local Proxy, remote Proxy
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-713903: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Stale PeerTblEntry found, removing!
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-752012: IKEv1 was unsuccessful at setting up a tunnel. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-3-752015: Tunnel Manager has failed to establish an L2L SA. All configured IKE versions failed to establish the tunnel. Map Tag= hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-752002: Tunnel Manager Removed entry. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Removing peer from correlator table failed, no match!
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-714005: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Responder sending 2nd QM pkt: msg id = 9eeb0776
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xB2973A42) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xA1D181B3) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x4E20001E) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x6CECD797) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x7C480AF4) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x32EA3C69) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x3E0B06C7) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xCB3B5A20) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <remote office user>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713259: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Session is being torn down. Reason: Phase 2 Error
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-113019: Group = <Remote Office Group>, Username =, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Session disconnected. Session Type: LAN-to-LAN, Duration: 0h:00m:00s, Bytes xmt: 279745447, Bytes rcv: 9287115, Reason: Phase 2 Error
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713049: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Security negotiation complete for LAN-to-LAN Group (<Head End Public IP>) Initiator, Inbound SPI = 0xf3d4c0fa, Outbound SPI = 0xde987833
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-714006: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Initiator sending 3rd QM pkt: msg id = 9eeb0776
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xDE987833) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715007: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = 0xde987833
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xF3D4C0FA) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713120: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=9eeb0776)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Starting P2 rekey timer: 27360 seconds.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715066: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Can't load an IPSec SA! The corresponding IKE SA contains an invalid logical ID.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), QM FSM error (P2 struct &0x00007fffdf8248a0, mess id 0x9eeb0776)!
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-710006: ESP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) to hbg-outside-198:<Head End Public IP>
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-710006: ESP request discarded from <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) to hbg-outside-198:<Head End Public IP>
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715065: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE QM Responder FSM error history (struct &0x00007fffdf8248a0) #%cLt#%state>, #%cLt#%event>: QM_DONE, EV_ERROR-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_LOAD_IPSEC-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_PROC_MSG-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_HASH_OK-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, NullEvent-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_COMP_HASH-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_VALIDATE_MSG-->QM_WAIT_MSG3, EV_DECRYPT_OK
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Removing peer from correlator table failed, no match!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713050: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Connection terminated for peer <Head End ASA>. Reason: Peer Terminate Remote Proxy, Local Proxy
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xF3D4C0FA) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602304: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xDE987833) between and (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been deleted.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713259: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Session is being torn down. Reason: User Requested
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-4-113019: Group = <Head End Public IP>, Username = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Session disconnected. Session Type: IPsec, Duration: 0h:00m:00s, Bytes xmt: 763, Bytes rcv: 0, Reason: User Requested
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713904: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received encrypted packet with no matching SA, dropping
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-752004: Tunnel Manager dispatching a KEY_ACQUIRE message to IKEv1. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713041: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Initiator: New Phase 1, Intf hbg-inside, IKE Peer <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (hbg-outside-198_map)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received Cisco Unity client VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715064: IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Peer included IKE fragmentation capability flags: Main Mode: True Aggressive Mode: True
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received xauth V6 VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715028: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE SA Proposal # 1, Transform # 1 acceptable Matches global IKE entry # 2
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received Fragmentation VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-713219: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Queuing KEY-ACQUIRE messages to be processed when P1 SA is complete.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-713219: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Queuing KEY-ACQUIRE messages to be processed when P1 SA is complete.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715048: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Send Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received Cisco Unity client VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received xauth V6 VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received DPD VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received Fragmentation VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715064: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Peer included IKE fragmentation capability flags: Main Mode: True Aggressive Mode: True
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715049: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715048: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Send Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-113009: AAA retrieved default group policy (RemoteASA5505) for user =
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713119: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), PHASE 1 COMPLETED
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-713121: IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Keep-alive type for this connection: DPD
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Starting P1 rekey timer: 73440 seconds.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-714007: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Initiator sending Initial Contact
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715076: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Computing hash for ISAKMP
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received DPD VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715049: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received Altiga/Cisco VPN3000/Cisco ASA GW VID
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-113009: AAA retrieved default group policy (jack) for user = <Head End Public IP>
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713119: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, PHASE 1 COMPLETED
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Starting P1 rekey timer: 82080 seconds.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713121: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Keep-alive type for this connection: DPD
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713041: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Initiator: New Phase 2, Intf outside, IKE Peer <Head End Public IP> local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (outside_map1)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-713220: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, De-queuing KEY-ACQUIRE messages that were left pending.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713227: IP = <Head End Public IP>, Rejecting new IPSec SA negotiation for peer <Head End ASA>. A negotiation was already in progress for local Proxy, remote Proxy
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-3-713902: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Removing peer from correlator table failed, no match!
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-714005: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Responder sending 2nd QM pkt: msg id = f3e0cd2d
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xD8494808) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713049: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Security negotiation complete for LAN-to-LAN Group ( Initiator, Inbound SPI = 0xaf323fec, Outbound SPI = 0xd8494808
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xAF323FEC) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-714006: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Initiator sending 3rd QM pkt: msg id = f3e0cd2d
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715007: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = 0xd8494808
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Starting P2 rekey timer: 24480 seconds.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713120: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=f3e0cd2d)
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-752016: IKEv1 was successful at setting up a tunnel. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-752002: Tunnel Manager Removed entry. Map Tag = hbg-outside-198_map. Map Sequence Number = 15.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713049: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Security negotiation complete for LAN-to-LAN Group (<Head End Public IP>) Responder, Inbound SPI = 0xd8494808, Outbound SPI = 0xaf323fec
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xAF323FEC) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715007: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = 0xaf323fec
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xD8494808) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Starting P2 rekey timer: 27360 seconds.
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713120: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=f3e0cd2d)
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:28<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 7 per second, max configured rate is 30; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 9; Cumulative total count is 7657
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-2 exceeded. Current burst rate is 3 per second, max configured rate is 20; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 8; Cumulative total count is 15419
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-3 exceeded. Current burst rate is 1 per second, max configured rate is 10; Current average rate is 13 per second, max configured rate is 7; Cumulative total count is 48938
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713041: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Initiator: New Phase 2, Intf outside, IKE Peer <Head End Public IP> local Proxy Address, remote Proxy Address, Crypto map (outside_map1)
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-713035: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address, Mask, Protocol 0, Port 0
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-714005: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE Responder sending 2nd QM pkt: msg id = 86034c83
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713049: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Security negotiation complete for LAN-to-LAN Group (<Head End Public IP>) Responder, Inbound SPI = 0xa33e7348, Outbound SPI = 0x1c6ca58e
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-714006: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE Initiator sending 3rd QM pkt: msg id = 86034c83
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x1C6CA58E) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715007: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = 0x1c6ca58e
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xA33E7348) between <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) and <Head End Public IP> (user= <Head End Public IP>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, Starting P2 rekey timer: 27360 seconds.
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-5-713120: Group = <Head End Public IP>, IP = <Head End Public IP>, PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=86034c83)
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0xA33E7348) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713049: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Security negotiation complete for LAN-to-LAN Group ( Initiator, Inbound SPI = 0x1c6ca58e, Outbound SPI = 0xa33e7348
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715007: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = 0xa33e7348
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An inbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x1C6CA58E) between <Head End Public IP> and <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>) (user= <remote office user>) has been created.
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-7-715080: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), Starting P2 rekey timer: 24480 seconds.
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-5-713120: Group = <Remote Office Group>, IP = <Remote Office IP>(<Remote ASA>), PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=86034c83)
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 7 per second, max configured rate is 30; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 9; Cumulative total count is 7713
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-302010: 27 in use, 647 most used
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 6 per second, max configured rate is 30; Current average rate is 13 per second, max configured rate is 9; Cumulative total count is 7905
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-4-733100: [ Scanning] drop rate-2 exceeded. Current burst rate is 3 per second, max configured rate is 20; Current average rate is 12 per second, max configured rate is 8; Cumulative total count is 15576
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Remote ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to<IPOffice>/1720 flags RST ACK on interface inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from<IPOffice>/1720 to flags FIN ACK on interface hbg-inside
8/13/15 4:29<Head End ASA>%ASA-6-302010: 815 in use, 9523 most used


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