Can anyone please explain the functionality of this config:
line con 0
login authentication no_user
line 1
location tel ext 410 computer room
no exec-banner
exec-timeout 0 0
no activation-character
session-limit 1
no vacant-message
login authentication noaut
modem Dialin
autocommand telnet 3245 /noecho
terminal-type edit
exec-character-bits 8
special-character-bits 8
transport preferred telnet
transport input all
transport output pad v120 telnet rlogin udptn
escape-character BREAK
autoselect during-login
stopbits 1
flowcontrol hardware
line 2........<more of the same>
My understanding is this will allow incoming PSTN calls to the modem, then the router will initiate a telnet session to the specified host. Is that correct?
Will this config also allow users to reverse telnet into the modem and control it?
Finally will this config allow dial on demand routing out of the router using the modem?