I have several users who have a Cisco 3002 VPN hardware client behind a Linksys SOHO router with DSL or Cable modem access. When the client initially comes up and I look at the sessions screen on the 3005 headend VPN concentrator, I see the remote 3002 assigned ip address that is configured on the 3002. After a period of time, which might be an hour or maybe 10 hours, the display shows the assigned IP address as If I try to access the remote network (I am using network extension mode on the 3002) from another device behind the 3005, I can access the remote network and the devices on it. For all practical purposes, the tunnel is up and the user can operate without problem. But if I try to ping the remote 3002 from the adminster sessions screen on the headend 3005, I cannot. Other similiar symptoms are that sometimes instead of on the display, I will see the IP address of the remote Linksys device in that field. I am running Release 3.0.2 code on both devices. Has anyone else seen this type of behavior ? What might it be telling me ? Thanks in advance.