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871w console port not working.


I got an 871w from ebay and im starting to wonder if the console port is defect - its a console/aux port (never seen before).

I have tried two different cables - both works fine on a 3560.

Tried all of these baud ratings

Standard baud rates supported by most serial ports:
  • 110
  • 300
  • 600
  • 1200
  • 2400
  • 4800
  • 9600
  • 14400
  • 19200
  • 28800
  • 38400
  • 56000
  • 57600
  • 115200
  • Standard baud rates supported by some serial ports:
  • 128000
  • 153600
  • 230400
  • 256000
  • 460800
  • 921600
  • Data bits 8

    Stop bits 1

    Parity none

    Flow control none

    There is simply no response from this unit.

    I did a reset (the little push button on the beack of it).

    And i can acess the router using telnet as it seems to have a default dhcp server enabled in the network.

    Here is the configuiration for con and aux.

    line con 0

    no modem enable

    line aux 0

    I would likeO to get the console working as i want to get an newer IS on the unit.

    Anyone had this problem before? May it be that the console/aux port is actualy defect?

    Help much apreciated


    8 Replies 8

    Level 1
    Level 1

    Hey Cristian,

    Please make one small change in the configuration.

    conf t

    line console 0

    login local


    config-register 0x2102

    do wr


    this should solve your problem

    Please dont forget to rate this solution.



    Thanks for your answer, however this did not help.

    I set the baud to 9600 ( even tried all the others again but no response.

    I am starting to think that $100 on ebay was wasted -ish.

    I can still access using telnet as there is the default DHCP.

    If you have any other sugestions i apreciate it.


    Did you try to change the speed also under line console 0?

    line con 0

    login local

    speed 9600

    If it doesnt help, i am sure there is something wrong with the port :-(


    If the poster does have telnet access then it might be helpful if he would post the output of show line 0.





    Hello, here is the output for line 0 and line con 0.

    I did notice the "2 stopbits" and gave that another try with all baud ratings but still no conectivity/respons from SERIAL connection.

    JamesBond#show line 0

       Tty Typ     Tx/Rx    A Modem  Roty AccO AccI   Uses   Noise  Overruns   Int

         0 CTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -

    Line 0, Location: "", Type: ""

    Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns

    Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600, no parity, 2 stopbits, 8 databits

    Status: Ready

    Capabilities: none

    Modem state: Ready

    Special Chars: Escape  Hold  Stop  Start  Disconnect  Activation

                    ^^x    none   -     -       none

    Timeouts:      Idle EXEC    Idle Session   Modem Answer  Session   Dispatch

                   00:10:00        never                        none     not set

                                Idle Session Disconnect Warning


                                Login-sequence User Response


                                Autoselect Initial Wait

                                  not set

    Modem type is unknown.

    Session limit is not set.

    Time since activation: never

    Editing is enabled.

    History is enabled, history size is 20.

    DNS resolution in show commands is enabled

    Full user help is disabled

    Allowed input transports are none.

    Allowed output transports are telnet ssh.

    Preferred transport is telnet.

    No output characters are padded

    No special data dispatching characters

    JamesBond#show line con 0

       Tty Typ     Tx/Rx    A Modem  Roty AccO AccI   Uses   Noise  Overruns   Int

         0 CTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -

    Line 0, Location: "", Type: ""

    Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns

    Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600, no parity, 2 stopbits, 8 databits

    Status: Ready

    Capabilities: none

    Modem state: Ready

    Special Chars: Escape  Hold  Stop  Start  Disconnect  Activation

                    ^^x    none   -     -       none

    Timeouts:      Idle EXEC    Idle Session   Modem Answer  Session   Dispatch

                   00:10:00        never                        none     not set

                                Idle Session Disconnect Warning


                                Login-sequence User Response


                                Autoselect Initial Wait

                                  not set

    Modem type is unknown.

    Session limit is not set.

    Time since activation: never

    Editing is enabled.

    History is enabled, history size is 20.

    DNS resolution in show commands is enabled

    Full user help is disabled

    Allowed input transports are none.

    Allowed output transports are telnet ssh.

    Preferred transport is telnet.

    No output characters are padded

    No special data dispatching characters



    Thank you for posting the information that I requested. The console line does appear to be pretty normal in this output. I have an additional suggestion that you might try. Connect your PC to the console port. Then through a telnet session to the router use the send command to try to send a message to the console port. It the message output does show up on the console session then it demonstrates some level of communication. If no output shows up on the console then it suggests that perhaps there is a hardware fault on the console.






    Im not sure what you mean by that. How do i telnet to a console-port?

    I tried commands from command-promt like "telnet com2" but obv it doesnt take it as telnet is tcp/ip.

    I tried plugging my ethernetcable into console port aswell but nada response (telnet



    I am sorry if my request was not clear. I am not suggesting telnet to the console port. I am suggesting using 2 connections at the same time - one connection is your PC to the console port using your terminal emulator and the second connection is your PC to the router using telnet over its Ethernet interface.

    Once you have both connections established then I am suggesting entering a command in your telnet/Ethernet session that will try to send a message to your console connection.



