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AnyConnect Weirdness

Level 1
Level 1


I have configured ASA5515 WebVPN and well as LDAP integration with Windows Server 2012.

When my end-users open up Internet Explorer and navigate to HTTPs://VPN.COMPANY.COM and try to login the receive error "Login failed".

I am 99.99% certain the configuration is good because of the following reasons.

Reason#1: I have verified LDAP authentication works from the CLI... "test aaa-server authentication LDAP_SERVER host X.X.X.X username NAME password PASS"... I receive message "Authentication Successful".

Reason#2: I have enabled "debug ldap 255" and "debug webvpn" and generated debug output by attempting to login and it looks good...

[219247] Session Start
[219247] New request Session, context 0x00007fff2b71fca8, reqType = Authentication
[219247] Fiber started
[219247] Creating LDAP context with uri=ldap://x.x.x.x:389
[219247] Connect to LDAP server: ldap://x.x.x.x:389, status = Successful
[219247] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 3
[219247] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 2
[219247] Binding as Cisco Firewall
[219247] Performing Simple authentication for Cisco Firewall to x.x.x.x
[219247] LDAP Search:
        Base DN = [dc=COMPANY,dc=LOCAL]
        Filter  = [sAMAccountName=username ]
        Scope   = [SUBTREE]
[219247] User DN = [CN=username  lastname,CN=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL]
[219247] Talking to Active Directory server x.x.x.x
[219247] Reading password policy for username , dn:CN=username  lastname,CN=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL
[219247] Read bad password count 0
[219247] Binding as username 
[219247] Performing Simple authentication for username  to x.x.x.x
[219247] Processing LDAP response for user username 
[219247] Message (username ): 
[219247] Authentication successful for username  to x.x.x.x
[219247] Retrieved User Attributes:
[219247]        objectClass: value = top
[219247]        objectClass: value = person
[219247]        objectClass: value = organizationalPerson
[219247]        objectClass: value = user
[219247]        cn: value = username  lastname
[219247]        sn: value = lastname
[219247]        givenName: value = username 
[219247]        distinguishedName: value = CN=username  lastname,CN=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL
[219247]        instanceType: value = 4
[219247]        whenCreated: value = 20150506160057.0Z
[219247]        whenChanged: value = 20150520151111.0Z
[219247]        displayName: value = username  lastname
[219247]        uSNCreated: value = 111226
[219247]        memberOf: value = CN=CiscoAnyconnect_COMPANY,CN=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL
[219247]                mapped to Group-Policy: value = CN=CiscoAnyconnect_COMPANY,CN=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL
[219247]                mapped to LDAP-Class: value = CN=CiscoAnyconnect_COMPANY,CN=Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL
[219247]        uSNChanged: value = 120459
[219247]        name: value = username  lastname
[219247]        objectGUID: value = .......C.......n
[219247]        userAccountControl: value = 66048
[219247]        badPwdCount: value = 0
[219247]        codePage: value = 0
[219247]        countryCode: value = 0
[219247]        badPasswordTime: value = 0
[219247]        lastLogoff: value = 0
[219247]        lastLogon: value = 0
[219247]        pwdLastSet: value = 130754016574937153
[219247]        primaryGroupID: value = 513
[219247]        objectSid: value = ............"s.!...!.:;.a...
[219247]        accountExpires: value = 9223372036854775807
[219247]        logonCount: value = 0
[219247]        sAMAccountName: value = username 
[219247]        sAMAccountType: value = 805306368
[219247]        userPrincipalName: value = username @company.LOCAL
[219247]        objectCategory: value = CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=COMPANY,DC=LOCAL
[219247]        dSCorePropagationData: value = 16010101000000.0Z
[219247]        lastLogonTimestamp: value = 130766082715215992
[219247] Fiber exit Tx=546 bytes Rx=2625 bytes, status=1
[219247] Session End
webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name = TG_ANYCONNECT_BIIT
webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 7

Any ideas?




1 Reply 1

Santhosha Shetty
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Mdy,


collect following along with ldap debug:


debug webvpn 127

debug webvpn any 127

debug dap trace 127

debug aaa common 127


... to turn off the debugs " undebug all"


