I have an ASA running 8.4(2) code.
I have been trying to get a VPN tunnel established between this device and a Checkpoint R70 firewall, but have been getting nowehere.
The settings are:
Encap: ESP
Encryption: AES256
Hash: SHA1
DH: Group 2 (1024)
Authentication: pre-share
lifetime: 1440 min / 4096000 KB
I can open the tunnel from the ASA to the Checkpoint, but the Checkpoint cannot open a tunnel with the ASA. It looked like the issue originally was the KB timout which was turned off on the Checkpoint side. They have since added that (4096000), but we are getting Phase2 failures.
Has anyone here been able to create a tunnel between an ASA running 8.4(2) and a Checkpoint R70?
I am beginning to think that I have incompatible systems
Is it a PFS issue? If so, how do I enable that in the policy section?