I set up my router with one interface on my trusted network. I set it up on this network temporarily just for seting it up using interface 0/0. I then configured the other IP on my to-be DMZ giving interface 0/1 a IP address. (I don't have my public IP address, but when I get it 0/0 will be the internet facing port). I plug in 0/1 into my DMZ and left 0/0 plugged into my trusted network. (I am using a Firebox between the DMZ and trusted network).
I can ping both my 0/1 and 0/0 interfaces, I can conncet via http and ssh to my 0/0 IP, but I can not connect to my 0/1 IP with http (times out) or ssh (nothing on screen).
Can any one help me out with connecting for management to my other interface on my to-be DMZ subnet?