Could anyone help, please
I have a config of ezvpn server
username vpn password vpn
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login remote_users local
aaa authorization network remote_gws local
ip local pool remvpnpool
crypto isakmp policy 10
hash sha
authentication pre-share
group 2
encryption aes 256
ip access-list extended remvpnacl
permit ip any
crypto isakmp client configuration group remvpn
key *****
pool remvpnpool
acl remvpnacl
crypto ipsec transform-set remvpntrans esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
crypto dynamic-map remvpndyn 10
set transform-set remvpntrans
crypto map remvpnmap client authentication list remote_users
crypto map remvpnmap isakmp authorization list remote_gws
crypto map remvpnmap client configuration address initiate
crypto map remvpnmap 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic remvpndyn
crypto isakmp xauth timeout 30
interface fa0/0
crypto map remvpnmap
So as i understood with crypto map remvpnmap client configuration address initiate command IKE communication initiates a server, but when i am trying to ping remote client SA is not established.
What should i do to initiate IKE communication from the server?
Client is Win7 with Cisco VPN Client.
Thanks in advance!