Guys we have a LAN to LAN of the client has follwoing IP
name 160.X.X.140 tic
crypto map clientmap 5 set peer 160.X.X.140
tunnel-group 160.X.X.140 type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group 160.X.X.140 ipsec-attributes
crypto map clientmap 5 match address TIC-VPN-ACL
crypto map clientmap 5 set transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA
access-list TIC-VPN-ACL extended permit ip host host 160.X.X.142 log warnings
So it means that tarffic initiate from our side (correct me if i am wrong)
static (External,Internal) 160.X.X.142 netmask
can some on explain this NAT statement
1- what does this NAT do if someone from inside network with ip address of 10.X network will it get translated to 192. address