I have an isdn line as a backup with the following policy
policy-map backup
class preced-5
priority 45
class preced-4
bandwidth remaining percent 30
class preced-3
bandwidth remaining percent 30
class preced-2
bandwidth remaining percent 20
class preced-1
bandwidth remaining percent 10
class class-default
bandwidth remaining percent 10
I can see drops at the critical class even when the offered rate is 1000 or 5000bps, while it should allow untill 45Kbps.
Service-policy output: backup
Class-map: preced-5 (match-any)
354 packets, 252724 bytes
30 second offered rate 1000 bps, drop rate 1000 bps
Match: ip precedence 5
354 packets, 252724 bytes
30 second rate 1000 bps
Strict Priority
Output Queue: Conversation 40
Bandwidth 45 (kbps) Burst 1125 (Bytes)
(pkts matched/bytes matched) 354/252724
(total drops/bytes drops) 141/156991
Class-map: preced-5 (match-any)
268 packets, 189684 bytes
30 second offered rate 3000 bps, drop rate 3000 bps
Match: ip precedence 5
268 packets, 189684 bytes
30 second rate 3000 bps
Strict Priority
Output Queue: Conversation 40
Bandwidth 45 (kbps) Burst 1125 (Bytes)
(pkts matched/bytes matched) 268/189684
(total drops/bytes drops) 114/130919