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VPN automated install from a CD

Eli Barb
Level 1
Level 1

We have setup a VPN client installation that runs from cd and only requires the employee to press one button and eventually reboot. I am using a custom vpnclient.ini file to specify where I want my VPN client window to appear, what logging levels that I want the log to collect and whether or not it starts out in simple mode or advanced mode. We also have a few .pcf connection entries that are copied over during the installation. A problem has recently arisen where employees were not able to select the option in the client to have it start before ctrl+alt+del in Windows. You could check the check box in the client and click ok, but when you go back it's blank. I eventually nailed this down to the fact that for some reason now the vpnclient.ini file is copied over with the read-only attribute. We have distributed the client on CD ever since 3.63 and just recently, I think 4.6 something, began to have this problem. Has there been a change in the install shield installer recently that would cause this or is there a different option that needs forced during the installation?

Also with the same install one of our profiles seems to just "not work". A profile that is setup, tested successfully and then directly copied over to the installation folder won't work when the client is installed. To make it work after the client is installed I've had to go in and re-enter the group password. This seems to set everything back ok. It only does this on one profile, the others that we copy over in the exact same manner work fine. The group password is a text only upper case and lower case password.(yes I know I should throw some numbers in there for security)

I opened a TAC case about this and so far all I've received was some ridiculous article on "How to install VPN" which by the looks of the walk through is intended to for morons.

--Udate-- I tested by making an new CD with an old client and all these features work fine with the 4.03 client.

1 Reply 1

Level 5
Level 5

There are various ways to launch MSI. Cisco VPN Client User Guide for Windows explains how to install the VPN Client using an executable that runs a wizard (vpnclient_en.exe). This method automatically installs or upgrades the Windows Installer to version 2.0 if necessary. However, this is only one way to install the application.