Eli Barb
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎05-26-2004

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  • 29 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 15 Helpful votes Given
  • 20 Helpful votes Received
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This is crazy long, but please bear with me.My goal is basically to provide tiers of service ie. 3Mb down 512k up or 1Mb down 256k up. I'm able to set the upload rate just fine by applying the following.ip access-list extended matchanyacl permit ip a...
We've been having problems with our ARP tables either being overrun with entries or entries that don't timeout and relearn correctly. Either way it's caused us to be unable to manage some equipment until running "clear arp" on the 6500. After that th...
We have a number of PIX that seem to have this problem of refusing managment connections from time to time via SSH. The PIX are still responsive to Console access and still function properly as far as passing/blocking regular traffic. I've tried con...
I'm working on one of our lab 515 firewalls testing a config change that I'll be pushing out. I pulled the config off of the production box and pasted it into the lab. Now on the box I'm getting the following error message, which probably doesn't do ...
We have setup a VPN client installation that runs from cd and only requires the employee to press one button and eventually reboot. I am using a custom vpnclient.ini file to specify where I want my VPN client window to appear, what logging levels tha...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-26-2004 01:46 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-07-2018 12:03 AM
Posts 29
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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