First of all, if you want to see logging information when you are connected via SSH or Telnet you will need to type 'terminal monitor'
If it is messages sent to a syslog server you are after, from what I can see you have the syslog level set to emergencies which is too low. The levels are
Emergency (severity 0)—The system is unusable
Alert (severity 1)—Immediate action is needed
Critical (severity 2)—Critical condition
Error (severity 3)—Error condition
Warning (severity 4)—Warning condition
Notification (severity 5)—Normal but significant condition
Informational (severity 6)—Informational message
Debugging (severity 7)—Debugging message
So basically, if you have only Emergencies being sent to syslog, you will only see emergency events. If you set the syslog level to 5, you will see all levels 5 - 0 inclusive log messages.
So in other words, try setting your syslog level to 5 or 6, depending on how verbose you want the output. From the command line you can do
'logging trap informational' or 'logging trap notification' depending on your required verbosity.
Hope that helps,