04-28-2020 02:42 AM
Hi Experts,
Just want to check with you. Assuming I only have 20 Webex licenses and I configured 25 user accounts in Control Hub, what happens to the other 5? Does this mean that among the 25, only 20 accounts can host a meeting concurrently?
I read that there will be an additional charge if there will be an overage. Please confirm.
I know that it will appear as "License overage" and there will be a 6 months grace period before Cisco will disable the system if the license overage is not fixed.
05-27-2020 02:37 PM
Yes, Control Hub currently allows overprovisioning, as stated in https://help.webex.com/WBX000027101/
All users with Webex Meetings entitlements can host meetings concurrently, even if over provisioned.
Named User subscriptions do not include overage. During the Cisco Webex COVID-19 Surplus Usage Waiver and Grace Period, Cisco allowed allow an additional 20% of Named Users to be provisioned for Webex Meetings or Webex Meetings Suite at no additional charge.
As of July 1, 2020, all customers with Named User subscription are expected to come into compliance with their subscription by either reducing the number of users provisioned or modifying their subscription to match the number of users provisioned.
Hope this helps. If you need additional information, let me know.
05-28-2020 07:10 AM
in summary:
Due to the COVID19 emergency, Cisco allows 20% licenses overage until May 31st.
From June 1st until June 30th, 30 days of tolerance offers customers the opportunity to comply with their subscription.
So starting from July 1, 2020, all customers with a Named User subscription should comply with their subscription by reducing the number of users provided, or by changing the subscription to match the number of users provided.
I hope I understand correctly.
From next July 1st, what happens if the customer continues to be in license overload? Does the system warn you? It blocks? does it make you pay?
05-28-2020 08:39 AM
There are notifications in Control Hub when more users are entitled than subscribed.
Yes, you have understood it correctly. The ask is to work with your partner and Cisco on a plan to come back into compliance with your subscription. By July 1, 2020, customers are expected to have either reduced their entitlement levels to their entitlement rights (aligned with their paid subscription quantity) or on July 1, 2020 modify their subscription to increase their subscription to be in alignment with their use of Webex.
As of July 1, 2020, a customer who remains in overage will be subject to action by Cisco to either reduce their entitlement levels to be in accordance with their subscription or be billed for the excess deployment.
According to the Universal Cloud Agreement (www.cisco.com/go/uca) Section 2 – Payment Obligations:
Hope this helps clarify. Let me know if you still have questions.
05-27-2020 06:23 AM
05-27-2020 02:39 PM
The Cisco Webex COVID-19 Surplus Usage Waiver Period is ending on May 31, 2020. There will be a 30-day grace period June 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 ("Grace Period"). The Grace Period provides customers the opportunity to come into compliance with their subscription.
05-26-2020 07:01 AM
05-28-2020 08:47 AM
The standard process for charging for the license overage is to work with your Partner or Cisco to modify your subscription to match your usage of the Webex service with your subscription.
There will be notifications in Control Hub for overages.
If as of July 1, 2020 the overages are still in place and the subscription has not been modified, the Universal Cloud Agreement does provide Cisco the ability to charge for the overages/excess use. The ask, however, is to work with your Partner and Cisco on a plan to align your usage with your subscription.
The Universal Cloud Agreement: www.cisco.com/go/uca, Section 2 – Payment Obligations:
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