Dear Sir or Madam,
Does the Cisco IE2000 have to have both DC inputs connected to the same power supply? Although this isn't fully redundant, I see from a previous employee's response (copied below) that DC-A and DC-B feed two separate power supplies. Due to this, I believe connecting DC-A and DC-B with the same external power supply would still provide some level of redundancy... Thank you very much for your response.
As a result, there are two separate power supplies.
Switches can be powered by one or two sources of power. Power is drawn from both power sources when both are operational from the higher voltage power source. As long as there is another source of power available, the switch remains powered during a power outage.
Connect each power supply to an independent source of power in systems configured with redundant power. You might experience total power failure if you fail to do this due to a fault in the external wiring or a trip in the circuit breaker.