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OAuth fails with "No user entitled service in request scopes" error

Level 1
Level 1


I am writing a web application integration with Cisco Webex Contact Center which uses a web socket to receive an event message when an incoming call is detected for the logged-in user, and displays the incoming call information on the screen.  I understand that in order to create this web socket, I have to place a POST call to the notification/subscribe endpoint.  All calls to the API require an authenticated Bearer token, which is retrieved through the OAuth authentication method.  From the notification endpoint documentation, I need to request the cjp:user scope, which I am doing.

However, during the OAuth flow, after entering the username and password for a user in my sandbox, I keep getting a "No user entitled service in request scopes" error.

How do I fix this?  I would like to implement this websocket for any user in the contact center, not just admin users.

Thanks for any help,


1 Reply 1

Janos Benyovszki
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

@alfredodiaz this error message usually point to issues with your OAuth URL. It might be missing scopes or some invalid scopes in your URL, so that would be the first place I would recommend you to look. If you cannot find any issues with it, you can open a ticket with us - email to - with your URL and the details. Thanks