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Cole Callahan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

With the recent release of the noise removal feature in Webex, we want to hear how YOU are using it! 

In less than 50 words, respond to this post sharing how the noise removal feature is helping you stay focused or saving you from any embarrassing moments. By responding to this post, you will be entered into a giveaway for a FREE Cisco 730 headset! This post will stay active for the entire month of March. We will randomly select a winner and reach out to them directly in the first week of April. 

As a part of Webex's mission to make the meeting experience 10x better, the noise removal feature filters out any distracting noises with the click of a button. Using our advanced audio processing technology, your focus in a meeting won't be compromised by the harsh sound of garbage trucks, whistling air conditioners, or even your neighbor's blaring music. There are numerous occasions this feature can work for YOU.


If you haven't had the chance to use the noise removal feature, check out these links to help get you started and download the Quick Start Guide attached


Respond to this post and share how you are using the noise removal feature! Your response will enter you into a giveaway for a FREE Cisco 730 Headset! 

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I can't imagine my meetings without the noise cancellation feature over the past year. With a 3 year old and 6 year old at home, I have been saved from multiple awkward moments of them bursting through my office door with whatever fun fact they just had to tell me. Because of the noise cancellation feature, we've also been able to set up a coloring area in my office where they can hang after out after school - without being a main participant in my meetings. It's a huge win-win for me, the people I'm meeting with and my kids!


Gracias Cole !

La característica de reducción de ruido es EXCELENTE !.


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

With this feature I can leave my dog next to me when I am in a meeting. 

Anannya Kodandera
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

At least 3 trains pass by my apartment every day. The passing trains are loud enough on their own but they still find the need to honk in a peculiar way. So during meetings, I had to invariably stop talking midway and mute myself without fail each time that happened. When noise cancellation was introduced, believe me, I didn’t think it could mask the train’s noise BUT I’m so happy I was wrong. My team hardly hears the train and I am clearly more relieved now.

I do a lot of meetings where there could be construction going on at either end of the meeting. Before noise removal was a thing neither side could hear what was going on or someone would have to go find a quiet place. With noise reduction we are bale to meet wherever.

Thanks Cisco!

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

@otgnwp - I really need to know: What is a "rag picker"? It sounds like a term I need to start using. As soon as I know what it is.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

@thomas.vidgar - YES!!!! I totally agree! I wish we could hold a masterclass to show people the intensely precise scientific algorithm that makes our noise removal work in such a tactical way! I guess all of us without a noise science PhD will just have to think it's magic that Webex knows what sounds are "noise" and which ones are just the sound effects I make in meetings.

Mike Beaird
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Working from home this feature is awesome. Especially since we have a new roof being installed. Allows me to have calls and not worry about all of the noise from the roofers.

Level 1
Level 1

I live in an apartment and the neighbors are doing construction.  Nobody hears the drilling except me!

Level 1
Level 1

My home office is right next to the laundry room.  With the pandemic, it has been challenging to schedule 4 people's laundry schedules with my meeting schedule.  Now, I don't have to!

Kathy N.

This has become one of the most popular settings in Webex for our teachers and staff.  Teacher's are also instructing their students on how to turn this on since most households have other siblings and adults.  In the past teacher's told students to mute their microphones and then had to constantly unmute every time they needed to talk.  With this feature, they turn it on and students can participate in class regardless of what else is going on in the room they're working in.  Has significantly impacted effective class time for teachers.  

Level 1
Level 1

I have been amazed by this feature over and over again. When my neighbor's driveway was getting taken out with a jack hammer right outside my window, I could feel the sound shaking my house. But I was able to continue presenting without anyone knowing the difference.
Level 1
Level 1

Just this morning, I had to have a user turn this on during a dry-run of his presentation.  For some reason, his laptop was not canceling the echo of other participants talking so I had him turn this on, and while it didn't eliminate the feedback, it helped quite a bit.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Ahh..10X better experience mission is incomplete without this. And Cisco is the first in market to make it working so smoothly and everyone is loving this feature. Even users are asking admins & creating tickets for this feature . Congratulation to Babble labs also.

Now our meetings are not done with out making the use of this feature.

Karl Jacobsen
Level 1
Level 1

Working from home has it's challenges when it comes to background noise. My dog has a fit when the mail arrives and I live across the street from the fire and police complex in my town. The other day I was in a Webex meeting with a co-worker when the dog started barking at the mailman. I asked my coworker if he can hear the dog and he said no, he didn't hear anything. I think the biggest difficulty with the noise suppression is remembering to try and act normal while the dog barks or the sirens sound because the other people in the meeting aren't hearing it. I do wish there was a way to administratively enable it or, at least, have it on by default.

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