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Captura de Pantalla 2020-10-27 a la(s) 10.35.04.png

Yes, I know my UI is in Spanish. That's how I like it. When I get an incoming call in Webex Teams, however, it says the wrong word for "answer". "Respuesta" is a noun and the kind of answer you would select from on a multiple-choice test. It is not the verb "to pick up the phone" or "to take a call". That would be "Contestar", which is in infinitive like "Rechazar". Please update this translation.


The underlying problem here is that the translator likely had no visual context to find the right translation. It happens to me too. You get a lengthy spreadsheet with single words to translate. But the hardest words in the world to translate are the ones in a context vacuum, even if it's as "easy" of a term as "get" or "be". Just open any good bilingual dictionary and you'll see that almost any given lemma has dozens of possible translations depending on how it's used. If you don't get your translator all the context they need, then you need a strong QA team in Spanish to test all the buttons and make sure the right word was used. I know how it is. Translation is always an afterthought. It takes embarrassing mistakes until management realizes that they need to invest more in this area.

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