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Cole Callahan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Q: Is the platform we are using now the all new webex events?
Karen Huang
A: It is not. 

Q: Will this be archived?
Cole Callahan - 13:06
A: This is being recorded and the recording will be posted here -

Q: How do I play background music in Webex events while attendees are waiting for the presentation to start?
aude Alberio - 13:07
A: This feature is not available today

Q: Will the Webex Event metrics get availbale in the Webex Meeting Quality API ?

Q: I use events quite often and am just noticing the "move to stage" setting. Is this new? Can the host force this view for everyone or is it just a personal setting?
aude Alberio - 13:09
A: Yes - this is a new feature coming with 41.4 - and yes, the host/cohost can sync his stageview with all attendees. Attendees can still choose their own view if they wish

Q: is there going to be an official name change or will it allways be clasic and new? if so what happens when its not new anyome?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:18
A: Webex Events (new) and (classic) is the interim naming to help differentiate between the two scheduling options, while both are supported. Eventually, we will only have one scheduling option, and at that time we will rename Webex Events (new) to Webex Events. 

Q: WHat is the recommended headset that has 1 wire to plug in laptop?
aude Alberio - 13:29
A: re to my Deskpro and blutooth to my iphone

Q: We need full MCU type controils for removing, moving and highlight boxes. Not the proposed Stage. MCU type controls please.
aude Alberio - 13:15
A: for more customization, you can drag and drop the videos on the top to the main stage - this is possible when you choose side by side and stack view

Q: when is this going to be avail? w/ 41.4 or delayed rls?
Karen Huang - 13:17
A: All New Webex Event will enter 41.4 public beta and plan to GA in 41.5.

Q: is there a limit on the size of an event?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:12
A: Yes, events will continue to be limited in capacity by the event size purchased. So Events 1000 customers will have the ability to host an event for up to 1000 participants. Events 3000 customers will in 41.1 with beta have the ability to schedule a new event in for up to 3000 participants - in either event mode or webcast mode. In the future, we will have higher Webex Event capacity for sale and you will purchase per named user up to the capacity needed, up to 100k. 

Q: When will Slido be integrated?
Karen Huang - 13:15
A: Slido integration is on the roadmap. Date TBD

Q: Also the option to pay to enter a cisco webex is working for any territory?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:52
A: Ecommerce is roadmap on Webex Events (new) 

Q: Also, a practice session the allows posting of a graphic whilst optimizing the sound and video?

Q: Video definition will be upgraded to 1080p?
Karen Huang - 13:18
A: 1080p video is on the roadmap.

Q: can we have panelists talk in private before event starts? if so, how?
aude Alberio - 13:16
A: this is a feature available already called Practice session 

Q: Will you be able to schedule 'New' Webex Events via the API on the release date, or is that a roadmap item? 
Karen Huang - 13:19
A: New Webex Event Rest API for scheduling is targeted for WBS41.5.

Q: Will background music functionality be avaiable in future and this is in Cisco roadmap?Is background music functionality is available in any of webex meeting flavour e.g. Webex meeting, PMR? 
aude Alberio - 13:32
A: This is something we think about - no ETA now

Q: Will the transcription or CC be availble in different languages beside English anytime soon ?
aude Alberio - 13:18
A: yes - this feature is coming soon into meeting - 41.4 and will come later really soon in event - 109 languages are supported - host of the meeting need to be entitled with webex assistant license

Q: Do i receive the transcription in the reporting once I request it before ending the event?
Karen Huang - 13:23
A: You will find the transcription on the post event detail page after the event ends. 

Q: Events needs "Green Screen"capabilites for studio locations. CPU intensive background blur is fine for meetings but not acceptable for Events.
aude Alberio - 13:31
A: Thank you for your comment, let me share that back internally

Q: will the two modes be available regardless of subscription?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:20
A: Events 3000 and (future) higher capacities will have 2 modes - event and webcast mode. Events 1000 and lower will not have webcast mode. 

Q: what is the purpose behind keeping the classic events? what would the use case be for using it?
aude Alberio - 13:20
A: During the time for us to provide you with all the features 

Q: is playback of prerecorded video available (i.e. youtube)?
Karen Huang - 13:25
A: Prerecorded video can be shared with the sharing content optimized for motion and video feature. 

Q: Closed captioning (without Webex Assistant) for regulated industries that do not allow the assistant.

Aude Alberio

Yes, this is something that is coming during the summer

Q: is webcast the broadcast mode as we know it today
aude Alberio - 13:22
A: Today, with Classic, you have the ability to streams to RTMP/RTMPS, Webcast mode is different, Ken is going to cover it!

Q: will we be able to embed the registration in our own website?
Karen Huang - 13:26
A: Feel free to submit a feature request. We will consider it for the roadmap.

Q: also, can the moderator/host present a video in the event center?
aude Alberio - 13:22
A: yes with High Frame Rate sharing capability

Q: to clarify, webcast is only available for events 3000??
aude Alberio - 13:21
A: Yes, High Frame Rate sharing is avaiable with the Webex Event New

Q: Do you have SKUs for larger capacity sized meeting licenses?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:52
A: Stay tuned! We will be sharing additional information soon on the larger capacities. 

Q: Will webcast mode save stream keys and stream URLS in the scheduling template?
aude Alberio - 13:27
A: Webexcast mode is a mode itself - you just select during schedluing process the what mode you want then, attendees will get a link to connect through a browser - no need to configure anything

Q: What powers Webcasting? A Webex Product or VBrick?
Karen Huang - 13:20
A: Webcasting is offered by Webex. 

Q: Will there be a Guest option in Events and signed in / organization users as in Meetings?
aude Alberio - 13:23
A: yes

Q: Will I be able to play a video on events 1000 and will the audio be available for attendees on the phone (call in or call back users)? (Not just computer audio)
aude Alberio - 13:26
A: No limitation anymore on the attendee side for receiving the panelist/host video - Audio capabilities are covered by Ken in the deck

Q: Our current capacity is 1K attendees Is the capacity increasing to 3K for existing Webex solutions or is this a different product?
aude Alberio - 13:23
A: if you are entitled for 1K, you will be entitled for 1K Webex Event new, then it's up to you to decide to add more capacity

Q: Is the New Webex Events available automaticaly one webex site it upgraded to 41.4? is there an admin setting that need to enable New Events? 
aude Alberio - 13:24
A: Webex Event New has its own enablement plan - Karen is going to cover it during the roadmap section

Q: What attendee limit without Webex assistant - now it is 1000
Karen Huang - 13:28
A: In 41.4 beta, the New Webex Event attendee limit will be based on on the host Webex Events (classic) license capacity - such as 1000 or 3000.

Q: Will up-voting of questions be coming to Webex? You can do this with BlueJeans Events. 
Lydia Wilkins - 13:45
A: This is on the roadmap. 

Q: A-EVENTS will be exclusive offer? I meaning, this is not included with A-FLEX-3 as we know today
Lydia Wilkins - 13:59
A: That is correct. The ability to purchase large capacity events on a named user basis will be available on a new offer, A-EVENTS. Customers who have Events 1000 in Flex 3.0 will be able to use the beta of all new events event mode. 

Q: Can you let us know when the 3,000 participants webex license that will allow for more than 1,000 video stream out ? right now when the 1,001st person join's they do not seem video of presenter- we were told that this was a current bug/ limitation and it should be address in future releases we need to know when that is scheduled for availaability to customers on fast channel?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:40
A: With beta in 41.4, Events 3000 customers will be able to schedule a new event using the new scheduler and all 3000 attendees will see video. 

Q: IS there a link about what a WebEx assistant does or can do?
aude Alberio - 13:32
A: Please check Salesconnect for webex Assistant - there's a TDM deck/ BDM deck/ FAQ...

Q: will the participants need to turn on hand recognition?
aude Alberio - 13:33
A: Yes - i'm not sure if we can enable that by default in control Hub

Q: So Events 25k is only avaible with A-EVENTS or will it be in FLEX-3 as well?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:31
A: Events 25,000 is planned to only be available on A-EVENTS. 

Q: Will the mentioned features be available in the Webex client as well? Or only in the Webex Meetings App?
aude Alberio - 13:34
A: Do you mean: the webex app - yes this is the plan, this is coming later this year

Q: Side by side seems to just move the thumbnail strip to a vertical strip on the side. Is it intentional that "show active speaker with shared content" adds the host as well as the active speaker, even when the host does not have video?

Q: can transcription be turned off? 
Aaron Oden - 13:51
A: yes, host of the event can enable or disabled, and indivdual users and choose to show or hide transcription

Q: can we play a pre-recorded video in the lobby?
aude Alberio - 13:35
A: This is something that we are thinking about - no ETA now

Q: When will all 3000 be able to see video? Right now we are limited to 1000.
aude Alberio - 13:37
A: With Webex Event now, no limitation in term of number of attendees that can receive host/presenter video - All of you attendees will be able to see!
Lydia Wilkins - 13:38
A: With 41.1 beta when scheduling a new event. 

Q: For sharing video - will attendees be able to actually hear the audio no matter how they are connected to audio (i.e. computer, dial in phone)?
Aaron Oden - 13:55
A: Yes, the ability to share audio from video into the Event is possible

Q: could you please clarify if when the update is available i can schedule an event with 3000 participant with video ? 
Lydia Wilkins - 13:40
A: With beta in 41.4, Events 3000 customers will be able to schedule a new event using the new scheduler and all 3000 attendees will see video. 

Q: Will our Enterprise Webex Assistant license be applied to Webex Events, or is do users have to purchase the add-on individually for each event?

Aude Alberio

The Webex Events New for 3K participants is coming with Webex Assistant included. For Webex 1K, this can be an add-on for certain hosts.

Q: Is immersive video sharing coming in this release?
aude Alberio - 13:39
A: This is planned later

Q: I know it's not available with this initial release but is the plan to have the synced view shared in the recording? Hearing this feedback often from customers when sharing about the new experience 
A: This is on the roadmap

Q: What is Music Mode? You still can't play music in a WebEx while attendees wait for the event to start. 
Cole Callahan - 13:19
A: Music mode - "preserves your microphone's original sound when using your computer for audio, making virtual concerts or music lessons even better." Here is a link with more information -

Q: what is the timing for 40.1 when share optimize for motion & Video will be launch for use?

A: Optimized for motion and video will be avail in All new Webex Events for April beta

Q: When breakout session is available, will it be avaialble with video as well ?

A: Breakout session is currently target for Q3CY21 with video support like today in Meetings

Q: what is the limit of video units joining as attendees?

A: Attendees can't join using video device; it is roadmap item to be supported

Q: Try side by side...We want to remove boxes controlled by the host in advance. 

Q: Will the current Events licensing upgrade to this new Webex Events in the appropriate Webex version update, or will we need to purchase this through our Cisco Partner to move up to the new features?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:36
A: Existing Events customers will have the ability to start using Webex Events (new) with 41.4 new Events beta is deployed. Existing Events 3000 customers will also have the option for webcast mode with beta. Future higher capacities (7/10/25/50/100k) will require a purchase.

Q: is it possible to join a breakout group with a video system in events? I miss this feature in meetings as well.
A: No breakout support initially

Q: Will an assigned cohost be able to access the panelist list prior to the scheduled Event?

A: Cohost can't edit the existing scheduled Event but can start the Events

Q: We really need to be able to put music for attendees while we are in practice session
A: It's a roadmap item

Q: Can anything be displayed (e.g. waiting slide) to the viewers, while panelists are in Practice Mode?
Aaron Oden - 13:58
A: That is planned, but not available at launch

Q: Which app do participants need to use when joining, Webex meetings or Webex(former teams)? If they join from Webex will they have features such as gesture recognition, ...

A: All new Webex Events support joining via Webex Meetings app or Webex app

Q: We get a lot of attendees who experience getting connected to events on their IOS / Ipad devices. are there any updated in regard to streamlining this?

Aude Alberio
Can you specify what's happening?

Q: will you be considering SRT as a replacement/alternative for RTMP/S

Q: Can we play a video for attendess during a practice session ?
A: Not supported in all new Webex Events

Q: i don't think I understand what "Share their video to all attendees (no limit) means exactly - Can't all attendees see Panelists video if they have it on currently? 
Lydia Wilkins - 13:23
A: This is an enhancement for Events 3000. So for Events 3000, all 3000 participants will all see panelist video. 

Q: What is the max number of webcams you can view at a time?
Aaron Oden - 13:59
A: 25

Q: Are there plans to allow host to schedule the event such that participants have to log in and ONLY invited attendees can join?
Karen Huang - 13:22
A: Yes. Requiring login will be available at 41.4 beta. Only invited attendees can join is on the roadmap.

Q: Can cohosts change an attendee's role to panelist. Can they also start the event recording? 
Aude Alberio

Cohost can change attendee's role to panelist, they can start recording if the host is not already in the meeting - 

Q: could you please tell when the beta will be available ?

A: April

Q: Can you select a person in grid you zoom or just active speaker
A: Slider only allows you to zoom in/out, not selecting a particular video

Q: will scheduling templates carry over to the modern scheduling page?
A: yes

Q: When you push the stage view to all participants, are they still able to change it for themselves?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:26
A: Yes. When the stage view is synched for everyone, it becomes the default view, however the attendees can then change their view. 

Q: Can you demo this stage view and push a view down to us attendees now?
A: With 41.4, yes

Q: The stage is only useful if can be done in advance. 
A: It's a roadmap for future release

Q: So we have noticed on our site, and looks to be the same for this one too......When a user joins they don't get the proper version the first time, (not seeing all the features), but when they come back a second time, they have all the features. This just happened to me now. Ticket should probably be opened for this. 

Aude Alberio

Yes, please, open a TAC case to check why is that happening

Q: We have learned that our team may only use Google Chrome or Apple Safari (if applicable) to join a Webex Event. Will the supported number of browsers be increased?

Aude Alberio

Some browser support WebRTC, and some don't - if you need VoIP, yes only some browser can do it.

Q: Will these layouts be reflected in a RTMP live stream?
Aaron Oden - 13:49
A: Stage layout can be 'synced' by a panelist to push a specific layout to all users

Q: Can i customize a background image for the stage?
A: Not in 41.4

Q: will you give us a live demo of moving speakers to the stage? forcing out layouts have been on the top of our list for a while now. Thanks!

Q: The 3000 attendee option has been an option in the past but it's been very expensive. Will the price be more reasonable now?

Q: This question has been answered yes and no...what is it? Will the two event modes (event/webcasting) be avalable for all subscriptions or only for 3000?
A: Webcast is avail only for 3K capacity subscription. 1K capacity subscription can use live streaming capability from Events to achieve the same purpose but customer need to get a RTMP supported platform.

Q: Will there be a document of this Q & A?
Cole Callahan - 13:27
A: Yes, will be posting on the Webex Community post -

Q: Most companies have an Events department, to tie Events licenses to accounts is illogical and not practical. 3000, 10,000 and more should be shared by the entire site but only used simultaneously by license count.

Aude Alberio

I'm not able to comment on the licensing structure, please get in touch with your CSM about that.

Q: Is the webcast mode player embeddable?
A: No

Q: Is it possible to restrict attendees to view Webex Events in browser only (to prevent the need to download additional software)?

Q: Does Webcasting require onsite applications like DME's?
A: No

Q: Will there be more customizable layouts available at some point?
Aaron Oden - 13:49
A: Always open to feedback!

Q: Is the webcast mode replacing audio broadcast feature?
A: Not a direct replacement but audio broadcast won't be avail in the new Events

Q: Is there a preferred browser for better experience?
A: Recommend to use the common browsers like firefox, chrome, safari

Q: in the webcast mode will we (hosts) be able to sync our view for attendees like in meetings and events? The slide seems to indicate no and this would be a huge loss.
A: No

Q: Will Programs still be available in the thee Events
A: Not initially, it is on the roadmap to support

Q: Will webcast attendees still have access to Q&A and chat?
A: Not initially, but at later release

Q: If we don't subscribe to Webcasting, will the option disappear? Or will our clients be confused by clicking on something that we don't have?
A: Site admin has option to turn if off

Q: Is Aaron showing events 3000 or 1000?
A: Not sure but there is no difference from UI (host or attendee) perspective

Q: How do I view active speaker and PPT only? I can't get rid of people with their cameras on who aren't speaking. YES PLEASE!
Aaron Oden - 13:55
A: New Events does allow for a "Full Screen Video" layout

Q: Can you add external panelists or just colleagues within your own firm?
Aaron Oden - 13:53
A: External attendees are able to join if Event host does not schedule as an Internal only Event

Q: Is the Q&A window supposed to be jumping all over the place? It keeps reverting to early questions (with on recent updates shown on the screen), jumping tabs, not auto scrolling when new questions are asked
Priority: N/A
Aaron Oden - 14:01
A: If you have 'clicked' a question, the window will continue to keep that question on your screen

Q: Will the classic panelist address books still exist with the NEW Events?

Q: which CDN provider is used for the Webex events in webcast mode? Amazon Cloudfront, Akamai?

Q: If a user has the Session Type for Classic, ONS1 will they automatically get "Event (new)" when it goes GA? 

Q: in current events, can host/co-host unmute attendees? 
Aaron Oden - 13:51
A: Yes

Q: Can you provide a comparison sheet for each of the subscriptions? classic vs new

Q: Will the new Webex Events be defaulted to allow panelists to unmute themselves in the event, as is shown in Aaron's screen?
Aaron Oden - 13:59
A: Panelists can choose to join muted, or mute/unmute themselves

Q: Is there any way to control who has "new" and who stays behind on "classic" until we've been able to lock it down and communicate with users.
Aude Alberio

There will be an opt-out process put in place - stay tuned

Q: What will be the max PSTN audio ability for (new) events? for 3K, 25k, 100k+?
Aaron Oden - 13:59
A: PSTN dial-in limit will be 1000

Q: Will panelist's joining through iOS still be restricted from the practice session?
Aaron Oden - 13:57
A: Currently yes, that is a limitation

Q: last time I used a practice session, those on mobile couldnt join. Has this been fixed?

Q: I schedule events under a program - is this still available?
A: Program won't be avail initially but a later release

Q: New - can only be scheduled via Web. Not Outlook or Webex App? 
Aaron Oden - 13:53
A: Initially at launch it will be through Webex web portal

Q: It would be great to be able to add a company logo to that registration form
A: Registration form customization is a roadmap item

Q: UI looks very nice and updated.
Aaron Oden - 13:47
A: Thanks :)

Q: Will there be domain-based auto-accept for registration?
A: No

Q: Is there any custom branding capabilities in the new event center if not, why not?
aude Alberio - 13:51
A: This coming soon - not in 41.4

Q: I schedule events under a program - is this still available?
A: Not initially, but later releases

Q: Webex Events (new) should allow Host to not open session to Participants while Panelist are in Practice Session.

Q: Can a human captioner (CaptionMax/VITAC) be added to events in the same way they can be added to Meetings today? 

Q: Could a person with hand up be allowed to open their camera?
aude Alberio - 13:52
A: This is planned - this is what we call video q1A

Q: Any plans for NDI in/out ?
aude Alberio - 13:49
A: This is something we are looking at closely - stay tuned

Q: Can we play a video for attendess during panellist practice session ? 
aude Alberio - 13:50
A: not for now, but this will be addressed later

Q: If I have embedded video in a powerpoint, will it sense the change from text to video in that case? 
Aaron Oden - 13:45
A: The application will automatically optimize for video

Q: Is not Audio Streaming today an existing option with Event 1 k? Will this fall away?
A: Audio broadcast won't be avail in All new Webex Events

Q: I was not able to launch this event from within Webex (old teams), is this feature coming?
aude Alberio - 13:49
A: this is coming is later releases

Q: Can the Co-Host record or allowed to record the meeting on beehalf?
A: Not today

Q: What about animations in powerpoint...will Webex be able to handle those intelligently? I
Ken Wong - 13:47
A: If you share as application or screen, there are no issues for animation.

Q: If we are using webex assistant can we read the transcript at the time of a question in real time?
aude Alberio - 13:49
A: You have the closed captioning live

Q: Host is currently able to upload a static slide or slide show for attendees while panelists are in a Practice Session. However we're not able to upload or play video clips. Well, you can upload but as soon as you go into Practic Session, the video is paused. Will that change so we can play a video for attendees while they're waiting (i.e. a 'countdown' video)?
Priority: N/A
Aaron Oden - 13:47
A: Thanks for the feedback. I do not believe that will be available at launch

Q: on what date will Webex Events 41.1 beta be deployed?
A: April (detail schedule not yet avail)

Q: Will we be able to hide panelists who do not have their video on?
Aaron Oden - 13:47
A: Yes

Q: How do the final recording come across when you move folks from the Stack view into thee Stage? Will it record that view or whatever you have pre-defined in the Recording layout view on main account? 
aude Alberio - 13:48
A: For now, Recording is following the preferences you set in the webex page - this is going to be addressed later

Q: I may have missed it, but will there be the possibility of allowing participant video, or selected participant video...say to unmute them for a question?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:43
A: Video Q&A is on the roadmap!

Q: Will we still be able to stream Events to other platforms such as Workplace?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:42
A: Yes with Webex Events event mode, live streaming is still available.
aude Alberio - 13:42
A: Yes - with the event mode

Q: how can we use the Beta in April?
A: Existing Event customers will get it automatically

Q: after april 2021 the 1k video capacity limitation does not exist and all 3k can see video is that correct?
aude Alberio - 13:45
A: With the event new, yes - Event New has a specific enablement plan, Karen is going to talk about

Q: Is there a max number of folks that can be assigned to the stage? I wasn't able to get more than 4 in the 41.4 Meetings.
A: 5 videos or 4 videos + content

Q: Have beta testers already been chosen, or is there still time to get into this beta version in April?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:42
A: This will be a public beta, defaulted to on for all existing Events customers. 

Q: on the 1001+ particiapnt receiving viedo with 41.4 and above, please can you clarify this will only be for sessions scheduled in the new events, not classic events?
aude Alberio - 13:42
A: this is only available with Event new, event Classic doesn't get any more new features

Q: Does the new webcast mode replace the option of audio broadcast ?
aude Alberio - 13:44
A: audio broadcast is not an option we offer anymore, VoIP, PSTN, Call in , call back, Video devices are the prefered methods depending on the mode and host or attendees - please refer to Ken's slide for details

Q: Will Immersive Share be available? if so when?
aude Alberio - 13:47
A: this is coming in few releases

Q: For VC endpoint calling into a Cisco Webex, will there be added functionality to control the VC output layouts then currently available?

Q: Is the New Webex Events scheduling coming to the XML API, or only the REST API? 

Q: When will the event 2.0 beta be available on 41.4? 
A: April (detail scheduled isn't avail yet)

Q: Is there a roadmap item to allow or at least show questions on personal or room devices versus having users sign-in with another device to be able to view the Q&A or messages that are sent during live events? At the minimum it will be helpful for folks on DeskPro's, DX 80s , room mini's have the ability to view and participate fully

Q: Is there a timeline on the features on the "Roadmap Beyond April?" Are these feature coming in June or December? 

Q: sorry if I missed this, where can we have visibility on timeline of roadmap features being enabled?

Q: In my opinion you should not release the new Events unitl, at every least, you have feature parity. This will confuse and annoy people if you do not.
For my company most important bits are:
1) Closed Captioning without Webex Assistant
2) Remove boxes of panelists that are in support roles. Rearrange them and lock the attendees view of which participants
3) Full registrations
4) Attendee lists that look MUCH nicer
5) The producer layout the locks the attendee view. Attendees should never be able to 

Q: So wait...are you saying that in New version, reporting will not be available? Were those last 2 slides a list of features that are currently available but will NOT be in the new version?

Q: How much after April will reporting and analytics be available? That would be a detri,ent to n to not have that in very short order. I guess this begs the question, how long does Cisco view this as BETA?

Q: Is this true that polling is not available anymore during an event? We have customers using this feature to have a live poll during an event.
A: Not avail initially but at later release

Q: the ability to "pin" a chat message would be an amazing feature!! especially for announcements that you don't want to get buried in the chat
Lydia Wilkins - 13:51
A: Thank you for your suggestion!!

Q: In the new Webex Event scheduler. will it have the same function of creating Registration rules?
A: Not initially, full functions come at later release

Q: Is the use of Programs being discontinued?
Lydia Wilkins - 13:50
A: This is not available at GA but it is on the roadmap. 

Q: Is it possible to activate the new Webex event in a demo trial ORG ?

Q: will you be able to assign co-hosts after event goes live? Or, do the co-hosts need to be pre-defined
aude Alberio - 13:54
A: Host can change role from panelist to co-host, attendees to panelist...

Q: I don't see "Stage" as an attendee from layouts, but i can create it, but drag/drop. Should it be available from the layouts menu?

Q: can we disable videos from recordings like we can do for chat and participant panel?
A: Choose a recording layout that don't show video

Q: if we don't have beta currently avail and we're on cluster B, when can we expect it?
aude Alberio - 13:56
A: Please reach out to Cisco to get a feel of the date when this will be deployed on Cluster B

Q: WIll we eventually be able to record based on the current stage view?
A: Have plan but no committed date

Q: if Panelist are in the Practice Session and a slide is shared - does a Attendees an mobile are also get the Slides ?
Priority: N/A
aude Alberio - 13:54
A: yes

Q: Currently I can set up Webex Events recordings to require viewers to enter their name and email address before viewing the recording. Will that go away?

Q: right now you cant download a trimmed recording, will this be possible in the future?

Q: I saw your comment on audio broadcast. Will it be disabled for both web cast AND the new Webex Events?
aude Alberio - 13:55
A: yes - VoIP only for Webexcast mode attendee

Q: Do you think the number of questions is reflective of the confusion in the "what's new" anouncement?

Q: When I play a video clip in New, will those clips show up on the recording? Currently, when I share via 'Share/File (including video)' those clips do not show up on the recording...I just get a blank screen...which is more than less than unnhelpful as you can imagine...because I then have to download the Webex recording video, edit in the video clip and reupload. 
A: If you share the video as application or screen along with optimized for motion and video with computer audio, it will be recorded

Q: I'm confused with all Events Old & Events New, 1000 viewed here, all 3000 viewed there, all panelist viewed when this, etc. whats available now, whats available in the future.
aude Alberio - 13:59
A: Webex Classic doesn't change - with Webex events new, no limitation for attendees (they all see panelist/presenter video if they are 1000 or 3000 or more)

Q: When breakout sessions are added to events, will attendees be able to select the breakout room that they want to join? or does the host have to select where each participant goes?
aude Alberio - 13:57
A: Breakout will follow the same "rules" as you can find in Meetings - 

Q: What happens if we get more than 3000 attendees? what does the participant experience? 

Q: Currently in Modern View, 'My Reports' is not listed on the menu on the left. It's in the dropdown under my name on the upper right. This super unintuitive. Can you move that (or duplicate it) so it's also on the main menu on the left. 

Q: Will there be any AD integration for Email / Address Book for importing possible Attendees for registration purposes?

Q: Is there an option to add a few E3K or E5K licenses to an existing enterprise site without having to spin up a seperate Webex Event site that has only E3K+ licenses? We want to mix E1K and E3K+ licenses on the same site and simply toggle on/off for per user.

Q: Will the new Events be available as a separate session in control hub as in current Events.. to assign this Event format to specific users for example?

Q: One of the most frustrating things about Webex is that it doesn't appear to allow animation in PPT so you have to share your desktop. Will this feature become available soon? 

Q: I don't see "Stage" as an attendee from layouts, but i can create it, by drag/droping video thumbnails. Should it be available from the layouts menu?

Q: Thank you

Q: awesome stuff coming! Thank you

Q: Thank you for this information!

Q: Thanks a lot for this event

Q: Can the difference between the "beta" (private & public) as it relates to the GA role out of 41.4 be expanded.. i.e. cluster B already has 41.4 deployed so is that the GA release?

Q: Thank you all!
Lydia Wilkins - 14:01
A: Thank you!

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