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Cole Callahan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Are we sure that the change to virtual background are not going to impede CPU performance?

A: The animated backgrounds should not add any significant processing. The background segmentation is the heavy lifting of the feature and that has not changed with this update. This is just using frames from an animation instead of a still image for the background.


Can we also upload our own animated background?

A: Yes this is possible, but it has to be in a set format


Can you tell me where to find information about animated backgrounds for devices?

A: Animated backgrounds are not available on devices at this time. Keep checking in the What's new for devices here for upcoming features:


Hi, as we are in the process of moving customers away from the Desktop App, is there any ETA for animated Virtual Backgrounds in the webex app.

A: I am not seeing on the roadmap, yet.


How about ANIMATED virtual Background for DEVICES?

A: Keep checking for upcoming new features!


how do you turn on the practice session?

A: As the host, under the Webinar option you can select start a practice session


I see in workspaces that there is a beta location. We will be able to run a report that shows location of the workspace.

A: More detail on workspaces in this article here: also reporting for control hub located here:


I've had to set skin tone a few times but it seems to default back to no skin tone. is there info on why this would be happening?

IA:  tested this out myself and I am not experiencing this issue. I am in the app-Settings-appearance-choose skin tone-save. I would inquire with IT/help if you are experiencing an issue.


Is there a way to run a report that shows device location and email address, if calendar is on?

A: There is not, you would have to look at the Workspace for the device and I do not believe it can be pulled from the API


Noticed there was a message saying a practice session was in progress before the meeting began. How does that happen?

A: When you create a meeting you can turn on a practice session before hand, it allows the panelists to talk about the event before going live


Video Mesh (Hybrid node) is available to use on Webex App today?

A: Not today. An ETA for this is unknown at this time.


What did I miss? What is the difference between the "Desktop App" and the "Webex App"?

A: The desktop app that will be retiring, is more Meetings focused. The Webex App brings you all your Meeting needs (joining, scheduling, starting) plus the other workloads you use daily, messaging and calling.


what was the essentials URL?



What's a ghost meeting ?

A: Meetings that are not attended or setup in Outlook, cancelled but don't get deleted from Webex Meetings


What’s a serious use case for animated virtual backgrounds? Just to get an idea…wouldn’t animated backgrounds force attendees to get distracted?

A: As this feature is new, I think this might a great question to pose in the Webex Community to see how the Community might use this feature!


When are virtual backgrounds coming for Devices? *edit* i mean animated backgrounds

A: Virtual backgrounds are available on certain devices, Webex Desk for example. I would check the specifics of your device.


When does immersive share come out? Will it only be for Webinar?

A: Immersive share has been launched so if you do not have it yet you should soon! You can check with your administrator. It is available for meetings and Webinar.


Where can I find information about the Ghost meeting changes?

A: There's some info about ghost meetings at the bottom of this article in the Workspaces section.


Will there be an option that will automatically send a notification of when someone registers for an event?

A: Keep checking for upcoming new features!


Will we be able to see real time if the device is booked or in a call?

A: Here's more detail on devices and analytics


Would be great to sort our list of direct conversations, alphabetically, is that coming?

A: Keep checking for upcoming new features!


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